Sleigh Bells Ring ... Are You Listening?

                                     So this is Christmas & what have we done?
                                     Another year over & new ones just begun.

It is quite unbelievable to me that in just 4 more days the Jolly Man will be making his rounds, stopping by after the kids are sleeping - which is only for about 20 minutes on Christmas eve, you know - there being excitement in the air and all. 

Then it will be hours upon hours of opening gift after gift. Each child squealing as they get "what they want" but at the same time complaining because the other one received something far better. When I speak of this - it is my grown children I am talking about. Belly aching all the way through the day.

     As I woke up this morning, I guess my body thought it needed to rest awhile longer. I felt like I was living in a Rodney Atkins song *que the music "If you're going through hell." I was once again sweating so badly, on fire yet shaking a little. Cramps were ravishing my inter being. Almost a flash back to last years Merry Day spending it in bed with full blow Covid.

I have found it so hard to do much of anything other then sit around - dozing off a little here and there. I ended up calling into work to get the day off and really don't know if tomorrow will be any different.

I do know though that I don't have time to be ill again. There are gifts to wrap, food to prepare, candy baskets to get made and each moment in time is not on my side in all this.

I stepped to the front door at one point today while I was able to be up long enough. I was met with glorious white powder falling from the sky.

I am trying to keep myself up and out of bed - writing this - long enough to be ready to get some sound sleep when I lay back down in a short while. 

     I have noticed while sitting here in the upright position, yay yay me, that the snow has started to trickle from the sky once more. How wonderful it would be to have a white 25th again.

I recall when I was younger, they (White Christmas's) weren't so pressed to come by.

Memories are fond of the snow flying on the way to Seattle. It never seemed to be just a "dusting" either. It was always deep - about knee deep. Well, okay, I was a kid so maybe ankle deep but it filled me with so much joy. 

     Maybe that is where my love of the white stuff comes into play?
All my growing up years and the magic that surrounded them.

My tummy is starting to feel yucky again. My eyes a slight bit blurry.

I think about how soon the New Year is approaching and how many plans are running through my mind about what I want to do. Accomplish. I wont dive into all that right now but in due time my pretty, you shall know my steps after I have taken them.

     My heart hurts a little - missing my kids at this time of the year.
I imagine that is something that never gets easier for a mom. It hasn't for me, that is for sure.

The flakes are getting a little bigger now. The air more chilly. It is down to 27* at this point with more snow in the forecast. I won't complain because it is just what I wanted. 

In about 15 minutes it will be the 1st official day to kick off Winter 2022.
     It makes me happy it is starting it out with snow fall yet, I am tired so I think bed might just be calling my name.

I should be back on Christmas night - after Santa's big arrival - until then:
     Listen for the bell to ring ... it is easy tp hear when you believe.

                                                                                                                                                                          Kazz 💋


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