Can I just blame it on that?


                                     Day 153. Is that even believable? 

     I can answer that in just two letters. No. 
Even more unbelievable is that there are only 213 more days left until we start to "ring" in
a new year. I mean like, what? How even?

     How even? There is a question that I am unable to answer. 
Beings that 1/2 of the 2024 year is already over: have I done anything I
took the time to write on paper during the end of the 2023 glitter fest happening around me?
I can answer that in two letters too. No.

     Maybe it has something to do with the fact that all the seasons seem off this year?
Can I blame it on that? Seriously, here it is June and the sky is looking like a dream today.
The air is chilly, it is gloomy out. Trees are bending much like a lazy weekend would have them doing.
A faint smell of burning firewood to warm up a now cozy home ... It is my happy place.
Not the place of a Summer mind as it should be right now. 
     Wrapped in blankets, hunkered down watching Jane for the 5th time over again.
Far away from the splashing beach waves, screaming kids and melting ice cream cones.

     I am like most others who at the stroke of midnight - the year previous behind us, makes promises to myself. 
                                                 Do better.
                                                 Be better.

The first few days or maybe even month it doesn't seem so (hard) to follow through but then somehow, someway, something steps in your focused path hitting you off guard and the spiral starts. Oh, I can start again tomorrow or the ... tomorrow is another day old saying.
     I find with myself that happens quite a lot as I get older which honestly it shouldn't. It should be just the opposite. 

     I wonder how life would be if it were to just slow down?
Confession: I wonder that a lot. Now and in my every day living.
    Why is everyone is such a hurry?  
Don't people realize how precious time is? How fast it goes? How just one blink and everything is different - then how we know it.

My grandfather shared a lot of life lessons with me in the much to short of time we had together and even though I have carried a lot of that wisdom with me throughout my (later) years there is one that I have always lived by and always will. 

                                         DO NOT WISH TIME AWAY.

     This is something I tell my children all the time too. In this World where everything is hurry, quick, faster! What if you just slowed down taking a moment to look around, to smell the roses so to say or enjoy a raindrop hitting your face. Take in a kite flying or a bird in the sky and think about how those tiny wings take them all over this Earth through snow and heat.
     Don't be afraid to take photographs. Take them of anything. Take them of everything. Even if they seem silly just take them because even though wishing time away isn't something that you should ever do - maybe making it stand still for a moment wouldn't be so bad (after-all).

                                                                            Love 💋


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