Just Keep Swimming!


     Can anyone please enlighten me on the fact why it is we need to consume enough water in a day to be able to house 7 Whales & 3 Dolphins comfortably? Don't get me wrong but come on: the Mayo Clinic feels we should be drinking 1/2 a gallon a day. Seriously? Like 12 cups. I can barely force down 2 but I am needing to add 10 more to that? Whos idea is this for real? 

      I understand that water is good for you. Somewhere like in the range of 60% of it makes up our bodies. So, if our bodies are made of 60% water WHY is it still so crucial to keep adding more to it? Mmmm, Save the Goldfish, okay?
     I get it, like I said but here is another point: everyday foods we consume contain water. Check this out and try not to be as baffled as I am.
1.  Watermelon is 92% water
2.  Strawberries are 91% water
3.  Cantaloupe is 90% water
4.  Cucumbers are 95% water
5.  Lettuce is 96%
     The list goes for days. Peaches. Oranges. Apples, Tomatoes, Zucchini. Celery, Broccoli and Yes, even Skim Milk. I can keep typing but I feel as though you might be getting where I am coming from? At least, I hope you are. I am well aware that more then likely "you" don't eat everyone of these foods. I know I don't but I also know I do enjoy some of them. More in The Summer Months then others. Fruits/Vegetables seem to grow on me this time of year. My palate screams out for them. Ugh! Fresh sliced Strawberries in a bowl with a generous amount of Sugar Free Whipping Cream. Yuuuup! No fish were harmed in getting my water intake fulfillment there.

     I am not much of a water drinker if you didn't already know. I think I like have issues with it. Somedays it is all I want when other days, I can't even look at it without gagging. When I do drink the clear stuff, it has to be in the tiny 8oz bottles or I will never get through it. Now, if we are talking about PERRIER then that is a horse of a different color there my friend. I could enjoy that effervescent spirit can after can.

     While I am on the subject of Summer & Strawberries ... Many years ago, not many many because I have not been deemed the official crypt keeper yet, Chet, Nana & (Aunt) Marge thought it would be fun to wait for the hottest day of the year to put down stakes in a Montana Sky size dirt field. Please don't question it, we were there to pick Strawberries. I was all Gucci with it until I seen the complete plan that needed to be followed through to make it to the end.
     Chet stopped the car out in front this huge stand. We got out, walking towards it. There were crate after crate stacked higher then most people stood. The person running the show asked how many of them we needed. If I recall right the answer was 6. Inside of each of these crates were small green pint size like mesh boxes. Each one held about 12 of them. I remember asking with the reply being, "Yes, we just need to fill all these up. Then we can leave." I was still iffy okay with it. I mean strawberries are pretty big, the little mesh boxes were pretty small so it shouldn't take more then 45 minutes to get them all filled and them some. I followed Chet while Nana followed me. WAIT!!! NOPE! These grow on the ground? Not on bushes? This is a joke, right? How do we get them off the ground? "You pick them." "How do I pick them? Where is the chair?" Okay, hold on! I am NOT sitting in the dirt. Ewwwww! Dirt. My skin was tanned to a golden brown, my nail polish a baby pink shimmer that matched my shirt perfectly and "these people" wanted me, me of all people to sit in dirt? I had to laugh. That isn't a thing right? Crawling around in the dirt while wearing pink getting red stained hands. I wasn't much for it. I knew though that if I didn't help, the hour I thought we would be there would turn into two or three. It was hot. As I felt a little of the puff leaving my hair I gave in. I bent down because there was no way I was sitting in that nasty dusty stuff, I pulled 3 berries from the runners and your girl was done. Whoop! Whoop! I picked berries. I was so over it that I was visioning happy little bluebirds singing. I continued to moan and sigh until all the boxes were full. How dreadful. There were so many other things I could have been enjoying doing that day but no, the Universe had different plans for me. Although I was less then found of them at the start they were about to get better. As we *cough finished, a guy about my age came over to see if we needed any help carrying the crates back. They had a long wooden handle that stretched across the top so my Grandfather declined. But I, I was holding one of the small mesh boxes in my hand containing all my hard work from day. 3 berries. The guy looked at me and said "Let me help you with that. They look kinda heavy." Well, who was I to be rude? I let him carry those red little funny looking shaped things all the way back through the fields to the counter. Now, I also do vividly remember that I didn't hear for weeks the end of how my "poor old" Grandparents had to struggle carrying all those crates back to the car by themselves and how happy for me they were that I didn't strain to much and end up breaking a nail.

     So I am going to stand by my feelings on the water subject and always wonder why we have to keep guzzling when clearly if I didn't go other routes to get my aqua in I would have never known how nice people could be offering help to a Princess in destress. 

                                                                Kazz 💋


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