Let's Get Physical. With a Ground Hog?


          Ground Hogs Day 2022 - Have you ever lived the same thing over and over again thinking it might never end? Wondering if it will ever end. Hoping that it never does end? Que in (movie) Ground Hogs Day but not the one from yesteryear, the one from here in the now.

     Each evening as night falls swallowing my surroundings in a darkened black hug much like that of the happiness found within the darkroom that is my life. ;) Slumber holds my shoulders tightly to the bed where dreams fly, "I'll get you my pretty" spearing through my mind. I am sure I sound like Ozzy after biting the head off that bat (ugh!) but be it known that this is nothing as uncolorful. I am simply referring to Keto-ing through the days. Don't get me wrong, I love my Zero to No Carb way of eating but somedays it just seems to continue on repeat like a favorite old 45 covered in dust now.  
     I am not talking about the food. Anyone who has ever done Keto or is doing Keto now knows: There are so many things to eat tasting much more flavorful then their full carb sibling. I, myself, have come to indulge in The Chaffle Party. I am sure I have said it before but those little things can take you from Breakfast through Lunch and well into Dinner. They also give you quite the varity of Dessert options. I am so looking forward to the Pumpkin ones in the Fall & Gingerbread ones come Winter time. But this isn't about my love of Chaffle(s). This is more about losing weight, the path that I am on now.

     As I await for my 18 hour fast to come to a close for this day, today, I start to reflect on my feelings of weighing in this morning. I didn't lose anything (extra) yesterday but I didn't gain anything either. I started this "journey" on July 12th of this year which was but a mere 8 days ago. I am down 13 pounds as of sunrise or a little after. I won't balk at that. I am one though however that needs visuals. I found myself less then please none showed themselves in that little neon light today while I was searching. I knew that I was not defeated though because well, if a Queen can easily be so ready to throw in the towel IS she really even a Queen at all? 
     After I showered while doing my make up and hair I started to wonder what my set back for the previous 24 hours could have been. I am just about 100% positive it was the "Fizzy Water" as I call it. Seltzer. I did read up on the "fact" and I say fact lightly that it is just the same as regular drinking water. Not a difference in any way only that one has carbonation added. I drank 2 of them last night. Pretty late and close to bed. It was water. How could it hurt? Hmmmm ... I guess I received that answer this morning. Maybe it is nothing more then water weight? I won't dwell on it letting in consume me. I will continue today like yesterday, on repeat only this time I will be drinking plain bottled water and not the "fizzy" stuff. I am kind of looking forward to stepping on the scale tomorrow to see if that is what it might have been? If it wasn't? Back to the thinking cap - but not one that messes up my hair.

     While I am on the thinking subject, I also have to get my exercise routine figured out. I never start one until I get in at least 3 weeks of healthy eating. That time is drawing near. Boy did that ever just give me flash backs to my Body by Gerri Suzi and all the change spots at Curves days. The first of those places are gone now and the latter of the two are but far and few in-between. So now I must forge on like the trooper I am and figure things out on my own. I can't help but wish though Richard Simmons did house calls but in the mean time, chip up buttercup for though the scale might not be changing YOU are. The inches vanishing are so-so noticeable maybe now that old Ground Hog might not see such a shadow.

                                            Kazz 💋


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