Lets talk about ... Bang! 3:16


      Closing time. Another day just about coming to an end. The sky is turning one of my favorite colors of gray. The kind that when you look out at it, you think of Winter and snow. The temperature is starting to dip now just like the sun that is waving adieu before being shaken awoke by dawns breaking song.

     I am once more swayed to somehow talk another line or so about Keto. I assume because right now that is my subject of passion. That is okay with me. I let it consume my being each hour of the day. I like it. I like knowing things. I like letting people know that I know things also.
 My topic today is Bang! 3:16 but not the Bang! 3:16 as in the famous Stone Cold - McMahon war from the Attitude Era. I promise you, you do NOT want to get me started on that one and anyone know knows me knows my opinion about that SOB so ... lets get to the real barn burner that I want to discuss tonight.

      Bang! Energy Drinks. I admit that I drink 1 of these per day. They are very Keto friendly. I myself have had no jitters or side effects. They seem to get me from point A to point B and that is a good thing. By drinking them, I don't feel the urge nor the need to eat anything. It is kind of awesome to tell you the truth. I have my noon shake then sip my Bang until dinner and Boom! Happy camper.
 There are so many different flavors of these energy drinks out right now, I am not sure if you get overwhelmed or you are one of the ones who doesn't like to try anything new because if you "hate" it then it is money wasted. So, I think I have tasted just about each of them and I thought I would share which ones were enjoyable and which ones were caca-fufu-nene!

 Bangster Berry: Didn't hate it but didn't love it either.
Birthday Cake Bash: This one was a favorite. Tastes just like frosting.
Black Cherry Vanilla: Tastes like just that. Black Cherry Vanilla.
Blue Razz: I don't know that I would buy it again but would drink it if it was offered.
Blue and Yellow Limonchello: I have never had this one.
Champagne: Amazing flavor. I have one on reserve for when I reach my goal.
Cherry Blade Lemonade: I have never seen this one before.
Citrus Twist: I have not encountered this one yet either.
Cotton Candy: How sweet it is. I would buy it over and over again.
Crisp Candy Apple: Tastes just like a fair Caramel Apple in the fall.
Delish Strawberry Kiss: I bought it but haven't popped the top yet.
Frose' Rose': Haven't seen it in a long time but worth getting.
Key Lime Pie: Enjoyed this one. Perfect for Summer nights on the patio.
Lemon Drop: I pass on this one so unable to review.
Pina Colada: Love this one! Try it and escape!
Purple Guava Pear: Crazy! Can't wait to buy more of these. It's a YES from me.
Radical Skadattle: I give it a 2 thumbs up.
Rainbow Unicorn: This is what I grab when I want to feel magical.
Root Beer Blaze: A 1st time trier today. Yes! Love and not just because of my sons name.
Star Blast: Fruity. Not bad. Hint of Summer berries. Maybe blue?
Swirly Pop: Chillin' in the fridge right now. My #1 favorite of all time. It takes just like Grapefruit. Crisp and Light and I want it all. Now.
Whole Lotta Chocolata: I haven't found this one. My daughter did but passed by it. Good job, Shurree'. * I did just find this one & bought it. I haven't tried it yet though.
 There are also: Tea Flavors which I would never touch for any reason. I like my Tea Iced and Unsweetened so I am steering away from these cans. I have also read where they have: Chocolate Peanut Butter Blast, Mocha Madness and Heavenly Hazelnut. Rest assured that once I get my hands on them, I will let you know how they taste. Hopefully sooner then later. Peanut Butter, Coffee. I am all in! 

 *** I have an update! I was out today and found a New flavor! This one is Nectarine Blueberry, I loath Blueberry flavored things - unless it is an oversized muffin that could feed Jolie's Family for a week. I grabbed it though. Who knows?
*** I also found Bang! Keto Coffee Flavor in Chocolate Peanut Butter Blast! OMGosh! Chocolate and Peanut Butter? ... and Coffee? Come on! It is what I am drinking tomorrow and will be dreaming about tonight! Mmmmm! So ready!

*** As promised: I would update you all on any new flavors I try. Welp, I tried the Chocolate Peanut Butter Blast for my drink today. It is a no thank you from me. I drank it but not what I anticipated it would be the way it was. I love my fresh bubbly fruity drinks and this one just didn't hit the mark. When it was first opened it did smell like a heavenly combination of its namesake printed on the can yet first drink told a whole different story for me. This was a very thick, thick drink that had a taste of a diet melted chocolate milk shake that was made wrong. I did not like the heaviness of it at all so truth be told, I will not be drinking it again because for the calories & carbs within that tin can I would have much rather have had something more taste bud friendly. 

👉 Please Never consume more then 1 can of any flavored Bang in a 24 hour period. 👈

 To be fair though because of the misleading title ... If you want to voice your opinion on The Attitude Era - spit out what you got to say and be ready to get a mud hole stomped in you because this is one subject that my hand can't control my mouth over.

                                                              Kazz 💋


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