Never Forget Your Way Back Home.

     Serious matters of the Heart.

I have 5 Children. The youngest 24 and the oldest 33.
The other three are
in-between those ages. Obviously.
My question is: How long is to long before you relax and let go of their hand?

     Growing up, I never understood why my Grandmother would walk to pick me up from High School OR how she would watch me at 18 years old cross our much less then busy street to get the mail OR how whenever I went anyplace whether it was out with friends or on a date, I would always have to call to check in with her. I only know I hated it. I. Hated. It. I was always so embarrassed when someone would ask me why she always had her eyes on me. I could never explain but to answer with "You know how old people are." As I got older nothing changed she still would make me call and check in. Jeeze! Come on Grandma. I am married now but she wouldn't hear of that or any other excuses. I still had to call & let her know where I was and the things I was doing. I hated it. I Hated. It. I was a full grown woman. Why did I have to still phone home as if I was E.T. or something lost on a different planet? I always scuffed but did it, well, only just to keep her quiet.

     Now, I am an adult (still) but this time frame in my life, I have My Children and in 1989 when my 1st was born - a somewhat of a very, very heavy brick fell on my head & all my younger years came into the light. My Grandmother did those things because she loved me. Because she worried about me. Because I was her World. I understand now. Grant it, my kids don't and just as I did when I was that age they huff and puff every time I text or call them. They hate it but I think secretly they know why when I tell one of them I am putting a APB out if they don't answer the next message or the other one when I say you have 15 minutes to return my call or I am sending the Police over to check on you. My kids think I am being silly. Over protective. They always questioned me as to why their 12 year old friends could wear crop tops, Daisy Dukes, drink and smoke. * I called it NO home training and I still do to this day.

     I get sick to my stomach every time we go to Krispy Kreme Donuts. No! Not because of the gems we find showcased behind finger printed glass with the thick filling or the sticky colored frostings dripping down and pooling around them but because of rolling down Highway 99 past all these young girls shaking their "groove thang" with their hands out for money. Like, "Wow! I bet your Mom is real proud of you. Wait! Where the h*ll is your Mom even? What are you doing out here?" I can't even imagine one of my kids out there. Hmmm .. does their Mom's even know these children, their children are out there? If they do know, do they even care? Oh My Gosh! Getting me started on something here that gets me wound up in high gear ... My kids dang well know that I see them doing anything STUPID like these other kids are doing they best run cuz I got no problems grabbing some ears and banging of some spatulas. I don't play like that. Ask them. There has been a few times I have tracked them down. Ya know, I warn them and let the rest be in their hands. One call and we Gucci but One missed call and nope! This Momma gonna go Little So-So on that a**. Ask me and I will let you know, I don't give a d*mn what anybody has to say. In 1989 I made that choice of being a Mom and so a Mom I will be. Till my last breath and even long after. In my eyes that means always knowing where your kids are. Who they are with. If they are safe. This World has gone crazy and I have no intentions of letting any of MY children jump on that train as it pulls out into Never Never Land.     

     I won't ever apologize to any of my kids for caring about them and loving them the way that I do. If it offends them or embarrasses them, well, it is something they are going to have to deal with pretty much FOREVER! Maybe it is crazy? Maybe I am crazy? But tell ya what ... I will be that crazy as long as I know my kids are safe, always remember their way back home and NEVER EVER forget the code word!

                                                                                                                                                   Kazz 💋


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