Poem Titled: Summer in The Northwest

 I can tell it's Summer.

The heat penetrates my skin turning it from Winter white to a Caramel brown glow.
Dogs bark around me at mysterious birds that can not be seen through watery crystal eyes.
Kids scream as splashing echo's through my blank mind taking me home to my childhood with a thirst that is unable to be quenched without submerging myself into a dirty lake full of water with a zillion other people foiling with comradery.
I dislike water.
I dislike getting wet.
A hot ball continues to burn in the sky like that of 1,000 fireworks every July 4th.
Footballs swish past leaving slight breezes in their trail.
The scent of watermelon dances through the stagnant air.
It is beautiful. 
I am not found of this Season.
How many days until Autumn?
For that my friend is where my being alive truly takes place.

                                                      Kazz 💋


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