Rollin' but No Rockin'.


     Todays reflection. 

Sitting in my chair as the scent of Pumpkin Pecan Waffles pushes past me. It is getting late. I am tired. This is my way to wind down before sleep. Most say to stay away from television and or the computer/cell phone screen awhile before bed, that is not for me though. This is my calm after a hectic day.

     Word is this next week is going to be in the high 90s. Again something I am not nor will not be fond of. Ever. The heat. It's not for me. I am told an air conditioner is being delivered tomorrow. Still even though there will be a chill within the walls, the sun will continue to beat down until it is twilight, I will remain suffering. Today though, it was only in the upper 70s so that meant it was still a fine time to get outside for awhile. The bit sun I partook in made my tan turn a little more red then brown. It wasn't for long. No burns this time. After awhile though of listening to children's screams rip through me, it was off for a hike. We stopped by one of our favorite old rockin' and walkin' trails. Now walking and rocking means what? Just that. You walk through parks in search of painted rocks and other little treasures people leave for the hunters. It used to be real easy to take a 10 minute stroll leaving with upper of 15-20 "goodies" but all that has changed now. People became to greedy. None was ever left for others and hoarders came out in groves so it all just kind of died down. Which is sad. Real sad. It was a fun hobby that was meant to get people up, out and moving where they are not just sitting around and being lazy all day. Hunts were fun. Many times little hints were posted like a picture or a street which made it all the easier to find your favorites. Not any longer though. You never see any rocks anyplace anymore. Today though while on our walk we were able to find one. It was a beauty for sure. A peacock feather in all its glory. And even though the walk took us to close to 8,000 steps and only one rock was found, the trees, berries, pinecones and broken down fences made for some beautiful photographs.

     Upon getting home the day turned sour with a little neighborly scuff. Some people and their kids let me tell you ... Home training and soon. Doubtful that will ever happen though. Angered by the Police's response to a full grown *cough adults actions towards a child just makes me want to scream "I'll have a 7UP!" to calm my nerves. Not how things should have played out but not surprised they did. After all, I guess Bullying is the New Being Kind thing or so it seems.
     Speaking of bullying. Seriously. Who is going to stop it if you don't? It makes my blood boil that some of the crap that happens seems to be brushed off. I for one can say though: I have always taught my kids to pick their fights and be sure the ones they do pick they win. I am not talking about with fists or punches because you can very well win a match with your whit's though many come to the squared circle unarmed in that department. My children know and if they don't they dang well better recognize that:
You Always stand up for the elderly who are fragile.
You Always stand up for the babies/children who can't speak out.
You Always stand up for the animals who can't defend themselves.
& ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS STAND for The AMERICAN FLAG! (In honor of my Grandfather & others who served.)
The rest of the things you stand for are the things you believe in and they know THEY BEST (always) BELIEVE.
     I learned when I was young how to defend myself and being so deep into Pro Wrestling didn't really hurt either. I am also a Virgo so fighting is something that courses through my very being. I never start fights but I never walk away from one either. If I do it is with my hand raised in victory. And why is it that I don't just mind my own business when I see things like just about everyone else does? Because things need to start somewhere and why not with The Man In the Mirror? I have no problem defending my own. I never have and I never will. I shall continue to hope that my children pull that from me while Blazin' their Own Trails in life, never forgetting their way back home.

     My Grandson had a Birthday Party today. His "real" Birthday is this Tuesday but sometimes weekend parties just work better. I sent him a gift. It was this little flashlight that projected different dinosaurs on the wall. He was so excited flipping through them. Squealing, jumping around. His Mom was laughing. He asked his Mom if she was okay and she told him that she was, that she was just happy that he was so happy and his reply was "How happy am I?"
     I will fight as long as I am here and will keep fighting long after but this was going to be a post about rocks, ones found that were painted. It started that way yet I found other things on my mind as well. That's okay. I think we had a pretty good chat. Don't you agree?

                                         Till next time!
                                                   Kazz 💋


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