Yes! That is my final answer.


      In all honesty, don't you think Washington State has suffered enough? Oh! I guess not so lets just pile on a heat wave so strong that other parts of the World can feel it as well. Alright. Enough complaining about it. For now. My X *cough husband used to say to me that if I shut my mouth it would drop the temperature about 20* so whatever.

     I thought today I would do a little something different with my writings. Usually I engage in talks of things like memories and such but this time I thought I would give you a small treat, doing a Question & Answer so you could get to know me a little better. Not to be rude or anything of the sort and if I am then I apologize a head of time for it but y'all might wanna feel a little privileged because I truly do NOT share myself with anyone. Somethings maybe but everything ... No. Not now nor ever. You might think by reading some of these Q & A that you will be able to say you know me but that statement would be false. You see, I am only going to share with you what I want you to know not all things.  *A few of these might surprise my readers though so ... Here we go!

Q: Who is my Hero?
A:  That one is so easy. My Grandmother. She was then & always will be.
Q:  If I could live anywhere, where would it be?
A:  Right here! The beautiful Pacific Northwest. I have been to Montana, California & Oregon. I like home!
Q:  What is my biggest fear?
A:  Losing one of my Children. I have lost 3 Grandchildren & I am good with losing anymore loved ones. 
Q:  What would I change about myself if I could?
A:  Honestly? Nothing. Who I am is who I want to be. I control my story & I like the one I am writing.
Q:  What makes me really angry?
A:  Abuse! Abuse to animals & abuse to the Elderly - everyone really but those two mentioned are the top two that boils my blood..
Q:  What makes me laugh the most?
A:  I have to go with my Kids & Grandkids. Also not so smart people.
Q:  Do I like or Dislike surprises?
A:  Surprises being flowers, Yes. Surprises being someone coming to stay a month? No!
Q:  What is my favorite sport to watch?
A:  Shoulders down it would be Pro Wrestling. 
Q:  If I could eat only one thing for the rest of my life, what would it be?
A:  Chaffles. I never thought there was anything until I tasted these little gems.
Q:  Have I ever had a "Secret Admirer?" 
A:  Yes. It was wonderful. I got to meet him but not until after he spoiled me with flowers and attention.
Q:  Have I ever been to a concert? If so, who do you see?
A:  Alabama (17x), Kenny Rogers, The Judds, Sawyer Brown, Hilary Duff, Janie Fricke, Aerosmith, Statler Brothers, Charlie Daniels, Lee Greenwood, Sam Harris, Candy, Corey Hart and I am sure more. Holding tickets right now to see Matchbox Twenty, Poison with Motley Crue, Def Leppard & Joan Jett.
Q:  How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
A:  My family will say hours but Saisha knows better. About 45 minutes from start to finish. Stopping at least 3x.
Q:  What is my favorite fast food place?
A:  I don't go there often but defiantly Wendy's.
Q:  What is my favorite childhood memory?
A:  Growing up in The Redmond House.
Q:  What is my favorite movie? 
A:  Kissing Booth. Elf. Sweet Home Alabama. It Could Happen To You. Valley Girls. Cadet Kelly.
Q:  Do I have a motto or saying I like to use?
A:  Believe! Also, You Get What You Give and Pretty Much. *Be Careful What You Wish For.
Q:  If I had a warning label, what would it say?
A:  Caution! B*tch loading.
Q:  Who is the most intelligent person I know?
A:  My son, Blazz. I go to him anytime I need to know anything. He always has the answers.
Q:  What is the most physical pain I have ever felt?
A:  Losing My Grandmother. My heart shattered but next to that? Getting a matching tattoo w/ my son. Razor blades cutting flesh.
Q:  What are 3 things I think about most each day?
A:   #1. Are my kids safe?  #2. How many carbs are in that? #3. Why was I born perfect & not rich? 
Q:  Who knows me best?
A:  Each of my 5 kids will say they do but the answer? Myself. 

And lastly ....
Q:  What song best describes my life?
A:  Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne.

                                                                                                                                                                    Kazz 💋


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