You spin me right around.

     Today was nothing out of the ordinary. It was another "to warm" of a Summers day for me. I enjoyed it none the less. Or at least the best I could with little droplets of water that might have been sweat taunting me. This was the day that was marked on the calendar to go into Monroe to pick up our Evergreen State Fair tickets for this years fun. Such a great idea so I will give kudos to whoever used their brain to follow through with the thought: All you need to do is bring 5 cans of non-perishable food items to trade for one admission on your weekday of choice. Now, I remember when the fair barely cost much to get in yet now it is quadruple that price. Sad too. It is so much smaller now. I was always so excited to go as a child. I swear that it would take the whole day to go through everything. Hours upon hours of walking. Hoping to take it all in before the Ferris Wheels lights were turned off for the night. I never was much one for the rides. I just always thought they were kind of a waste of money when I could be using my dimes to throw at cheap glassware praying I would win enough to make a set. Some of the odd balls we had in cupboard well ... yeah.  I just didn't get it. The big deal about the rides I mean. Like, you pay. You get on. You spin around. You are done. Nothing like the huge stretched out soda bottle that you could take home and try to figure out where to put it or what to do with it. I was the proud owner of a 7-Up and Pepsi one. To this day I don't know what happened to either of those and somehow life has still gone on. Crazy.

     My favorite part of the fair was always the Photography Competition. Ever since I can remember I vowed to myself someday I would enter at least 1 of my originals and win one of those ribbons. Those glorious ribbons. The ones where everyone knew. They knew you had talent. They knew you were the best. They were jealous. They wanted to be you. 
      I finally did enter some 40+ years later and I did win! Yes! I have my ribbon(s) and those I do know where they are. I believe they tell more of a story about how I accomplished something - a dream that a young girl had MORE then the fact of having a good eye for the beautiful.

     I don't know if I will enter any of my photographs this year. I might. But I do know ... Those Elephant Ears & Scones are something I will ponder over. The hot bread covered in Cinnamon w/ Sugar and that dripping warm Jelly on a  hot biscuit is just two of the things that will temp me while I keep kickin' it Keto style. Don't get me wrong though, that is only a couple things named. There will also be Onion Blossoms, Deep Fried Mushrooms, Walla Walla Burgers and Gyros. I am almost pretty sure that my chubby little hand (Is that a thing? Chubby & Little said together.) will be breaking off petals of that delightful flower enjoying the snappy flavor while rolling it around in a spicy sauce. I won't have much of that though as I know it will be covered in unhealthy oils, my thoughts cringe thinking of the carbs. I will without a doubt grab a "basket" of the mushrooms. They have become such a favorite of mine these past years yet there are almost impossible to find anyplace. I will also confess as long as I am giving you my whole days menu even though I could almost bet that you could care less, I will not have a second thought about devouring an Ear of Corn. Dripping in butter, special seasonings dancing over the top of it as it covers my hand while running down my arm - Here Comes the Sun!  I will also be enjoying a "few" "special" coffees. A first one before we go, a second one during the afternoon cuz why not? and a third one in the evening when the air turns chilly just before we head out with a handful of tired kids making our way to a lost car in a dark field of grass with all our treasures in tow.

     Will I feel bad? Will I regret the choices I make of food & coffee? Will I hate myself the following day? Will I think twice about what I did and vow to never do it again? Maybe? But then again, maybe not? Cuz I will be celebrating MY 🥳 BIRTHDAY & the Queen that I am should be sipping Champagne by the fireside gazing at pumpkin everything not dodging cow poop, chicken feathers and stressing over a few to many extra carbs for one day.

                                                          Kazz 💋


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