11.20.2021 - Pre Christmas (past)


I really don't know what it is about this time of year but for me it always seems to "hit" so much different.  Most people look forward to Summer. The longer days, the picnics & warm beach splashing's. I, myself, count down the moments until life grows colder in the day & turns darker sooner at night.

     I guess I will admit that as one (and I am not saying me) gets older there are a lot of things that tend to be forgotten or just swept away as the past. Times that were once lived. Times that were once enjoyed. Times that are now left behind. Lost memories.

     I am not one of those people. Growing up in The Redmond House was nothing short of amazing. A life that many others can only long for & even though I was younger at the time it was all happening, I knew it was special. I knew how lucky I was.

     To this day I still remember all those feelings & still know how truly lucky I am to have been apart of something that has made such an impression on me that it has followed me all these years & will continue to be a most cherished companion even when the sun wakes me up at 5am while dancing in my eyes that I am not ready to open just yet.

     I always try so hard to pinpoint what it was/is that has such a grip on me but it always comes down to the one thing it isn't - just one thing. It was everything! It was a feeling. It was happiness. It was safety. It was love.

     As the night starts to swell around me once again, I sit at my desk wrapped in cozy blanket, sipping on some piping hot coffee while trying to keep my hands warm & write this.

     My mind swirls like the first few snow flakes of a new and glorious season: I think back to the roaring fire heating the house fueled by the logs we spent most of the Summer before cutting & hauling, stacking to be ready in time for a moment like this. My cat, Midnight all sprawled out with his belly getting toasted (hot) under the stockings that were hung, his purr was much more loud then the bells Santa would ring on the rooftop announcing his arrival on Christmas Eve.

     Colors flood my mind as I see all of Nana's Christmas candy taking over just about every spot in our Kitchen and Dining room. Aunt Rose stands above the endless plates with a hand on hip 'n the other "stealing" away samples of the sugar plum visions.

     Festive cards of Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas line the banister inviting friends & family to gather, sharing Egg Nog - their own personal stories ...

     Powder covered trees, scarves around neck, little chocolate balls and the tightest of hugs. A hug you never want to be released from. Pine waving from the corner, twirling in silver tinsel when later about Easter time becomes the worse headache for a well used vacuum, you really start to miss it. You just want it back.

I think that, that and a whole lot of other things make me feel so longing during this time of the year.

     I really don't know your personal life but I hope for you in the holiday season that maybe somehow the moments you are living right now, you will know how special they are & hold those close to you IN your heart forever more. Just remember as days come and go, people, friends, family pass through our lives. Every moment has lend up to the moment you are in now. Hold your memories tight because after all, all hearts come home for Christmas - that is where YOUR story begins.

     My coffee is cold now.
There is no snow in tonight's forecast.

          Peace On Earth!

                                                          Kazz 💋


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