Did Noah think this was just a game? Beth wondered.

     Beth was to excited to even scream. All she wanted to do was twirl, twirl under the moon in Noah's arms while he lifted her high to reach the stars above. It was a mere second before she thought a different story - where was Noah? Her Noah, and how did he get inside without anyone knowing, seeing him or smelling that cologne. Kicking her foot up, she didn't care. He was back - that was all she cared about. Not the whos, the how's or even the whys. It was all to perfect but now she just had to find him.

     She sat in the booth that holds her secrets and sadness. The one where she let many tears fall over him and thought that he must be playing a little game. "Games" she moaned. She hated games but if Noah was involved she would push those feelings a side and join his team.
     Talking out loud "Why was he playing games? Did he think this was all a game? Did he think this was funny? - what was he thinking?" she couldn't answer any of those questions so she decided she would have to just wait for the next clue. She didn't mind though because she knew that "games" like this was something she was very good at figuring out and she also knew she was a winner. She would win this game no matter what it took. She was ready.

     Sliding off the "plastic" shot where she was sitting, she flipped off the lights and pulled the door tightly behind her, twisting the handle both ways to make sure it was locked securely. Turning around, she stood for a moment - scanning the area. If she knew anything, she knew that paying attention to your surrounding is just what you needed to do to succeed in life and maybe even more-so in this game that has slowly started to play out.
     Pulling the two sides of her coat together, she walked slowly towards home. She questioned everything a long the way. Wondering if anything might lead her closer to Noah. Her Noah. Reaching her steps - before going inside, she turned - looking just one more time before going through the backdoor to grab a snack and head up to her room. Nothing - shaking her head. Or was there really something and she just missed it, she wondered? Getting undressed, she thought for a moment - "Well Noah, you are going to make this much harder then it needs to be, aren't you?" She spoke while holding in a tired laugh.

     Tired. That she was. Bed looked real inviting as she climbed into it. Reaching to set her alarm, the sandman over took her movement - the alarm was never set. Falling into a "hard" sleep - she had dreams of Noah. The outline of his face, the curve of his chest, the firmness of his arms ... she awoke when she felt his warm breath whisper in her ear ... "Beth. Beth? Bbbbbb ..." Jumping a foot high, it sounded like he was out of breath. "Oh my Gawd!" Beth screamed - thinking the worse - was he alright?  She didn't know and had no way to find out. She couldn't even figure out where he was so how would she figure out if he was okay? 

     Grabbing her pillow and holding it close to her - she began to say yet another prayer for him. Only this time not for him to come back but just for him to be alright. She wondered if God heard her and when she could be sure of just that.
     She didn't know where to turn. She never trusted anyone. No one but Noah. Tears gently started to dance against her burning cheeks. How do I get my mind off of this? How do I stop worrying? How do I just get a little rest for the night and remember this was all just a dream? 
     The only thing she had close was the radio, She thought that maybe if she turned that on - it would lull her back into slumber if only for the last few hours remaining before day break.
     Confused - listening to the music that came from behind the green neon numbers - This isn't my station. "Who turned my station?" Reaching again for the dial - her whole world stopped for a moment - that song. Those words. Those words ....

     "A white sports coat and a pink carnation

      I'm all dressed up for the dance

      A white sports coat and a pink carnation

      I'm all alone in romance" - "and that was the great Marty Robbins" the dj announced.

"Noah?" Beth whispered. 

     Sports coat. Dance. Pink carnation. Alone. Was that some kind of clue?  Beth thought that it had to be Noah trying to tell her something. She was good at being a detective so now was the time to put her sleuth hat on and get to work. She called the radio station asking for the DJ in charge of the music. 

"I'm Beth. You played a song today that I have never heard before. Can you tell me more about it?"

"Hello Beth, I am sorry but I really can't. You see, I came into work today and there was a rather large envelope sitting on my desk. The words scribbled on it made no sense to  me. But inside was a single 45rpm with no label. I figured what the heck and played it. The song you are asking about is the song that was on it."

"May I ask you something?" Beth said.

"I don't know how much help I can be as I told you everything I know already." The DJ replied back.

Beth took a deep breath in- "Everything but one thing. What was written on the envelope?"

Quick to answer back "The words - she knows. Tell her to close her eyes. She knows."

     Beth dropped the phone and started to shake. It was Noah. She knew it was. More clues. She was so ready to win this game that he had going. "Ha, Ha-" she laughed out loud.

     Dawn had broken through the night sky now - that meaning that it was time to start getting ready for the day. For work actually. Work was what filled her days. As she headed out the door, she grabbed her iPod before the walk in front of her. She was hoping beyond hope the song would play again. It didn't though. She reached work a few minutes early so she stopped by Gary's to get a iced coffee for the day. Oh how she loved that little Café on the corner. Her turn to order - it was the usual. Gary didn't ask her name for the cup - he already knew it. Two blinks of her eyes and she heard her name being called. Rushing to grab her sugary concoction, she yelled "Thank you!" waved and headed out the door before being late. Running into the diner - ha, perfect timing with 3 minutes to spare. Walking to the backroom, she placed her purse on the table - inhaled deeply and took a large, almost gulp of her morning drink. Before she could swallow she wanted to spit the milky flavored fruit "stuff" out of her mouth. What was this? What is this? How could they ... I get my drink here all the time. They don't even ask my order anymore. They just know it. Her mind started to ponder why.
     The cup sat in a puddle of condensation most of the morning. Once the rush ended and she was able to take her 20 minute break, she headed back to the Café to ask Gary what was going on. Approaching him - he had no clue why she was frowning.

"Hey Beth, what's up?" Gary asked "You don't like your drink today?"

"Actually" Beth answered "This isn't my drink. I don't know what it is. It is horrible."

"Maybe you grabbed the wrong one off the counter when your name was called?"

"I didn't think about that. I didn't even look at the cup."

     Turning it around - Beth stood in disbelieve. There was no name on the cup - only a drawing of a hand holding out a single carnation with a heart surrounding it. Beth showed it to Gary. Gary had no idea where it came from or what it meant. Beth smiled because she did. She left the Café with the same cup and same drink as she entered with.

"I know you are here, Noah. Come out. Come out. Come out. Please come out." Beth chanted for the rest of the day. 

     She seemed to find a little pep in her step thinking about him - her day flew by and soon it was time to head back home, looking for more clues on the way. Sadly she found none once again - but she didn't mind because she knew that, that coffee she ordered earlier was a big one. She just couldn't figure out how it fit into the "game." She must have been exhausted again, her head hit the pillow and she was out. 

     It looked as though morning came early when she was awoke by, not her alarm but the faint scent of Noah, her Noah's cologne. She knew that smell - it was him. But where was he? She threw open her bedroom window with one hand while she clung to her plastic cup in the other. Looking down at the grass below her - the cup slipped from her grasp. Not even a second thought, she lunged for it.
     Thud! Her body started to ache. The pain was almost unbearable - that was until Noah, her Noah stepped out from seemingly nowhere taking her hand and pulling her up to him. 

"Noah! You ruined the game. I was so close to figuring out all the clues. You ruined it."

     Noah put his finger to her soft lips, kissing her on the forehead - taking her hand, she followed him to his car. The door opened for her and then shut. Clicking her seatbelt in place she asked him where they were going. He looked at her and smiled -

"There is something I want to show you." 

"Oh really now? There is huh?" Beth spoke through her smile.

      Parking the car and taking Beth's hand in his pulling her along,
"We are almost there. Just a few more steps"

     Where had she heard that before? Right, their first date. The first time Noah ever - there it was. Their place. The water, the moonlight. Perfection. Beth stopped to soak it all in - again. She loved that placed. She loved Noah even more. They walked over to the blanket that was surrounded by candles. Beth sat down turning to see Noah on one knee, she started to cry. 

"Beth, please don't cry. I love you. Say yes. Just say yes and we can spend all of eternity together."

     How could she say no? He was everything. The world she always dreamed of. All she ever wanted in life.

"Yes! Yes! Yes Noah! 1,000x yes!" Beth screamed.

     For the next week, Beth and Noah were together day and night. Night and day. She never went into work - he never disappeared. All was right. It was just like Heaven, Beth often caught herself smiling. She had never been so happy. She questioned nothing and that was nice for a change.
     Time passed slowly but quickly as well, planning the wedding was easy. It would be on the beach. She would wear a white gown. Flowers in her hair and carry pink carnations. 

      The dress was picked out - all the candles were ready to line the isle from the sand to the water. There were lights, white lights every where from the rocks to the trees. It was perfect - Noah chose a white sports coat to wear - Beth's mouth curved up a little. One of my clues - from that song. A white sports coat ... Cake! They needed to pick out a cake, decorations and flavors. Neither one cared if there was cake or not, they didn't even care if other people showed up. It was them. The two of them. It had always been them. They could say their "I Dos" and build sand castles reaching towards the sky. This was their night. All their night. Only their night. Everything the day of the wedding was in place. There was just one last thing ... the carnations.

     Noah drove Beth to the florist. She wanted 100s of them but even 25 would do. Any amount would be "just enough" as it was their flower. They arrived, holding hands entering the little shop.

"We would like as many pink carnations as you have, Ma'am." they both said together. 

     Noah lifting Beth's hand and kissing it.

"Oh gosh, I am sorry. The last of what we had was sent out on a delivery today. I am unable to obtain anymore for a few weeks." the clerk squinted as she spoke.

     Beth started to tear up - Noah asked for the address of where the flowers had went. He thought maybe if he could plea, maybe he could get even just one for his sweet angel, Beth.
      The lady gave him the address. They thanked her and were on their way. It was a drive but they made it. Getting out of the car, holding each others hands, they knocked on the front door. There was no answer. They looked hurt as they faced each other. 

"I need those flowers, Noah." Beth moaned.

     Noah knew how much they meant to her. He thought he heard a faint sound coming through the air - from the backyard, maybe? Him and Beth, very shyly snuck around to see close to 75 peoples black coats and dresses looking the other direction from them. They weren't sure what was happening so they waited a moment. Listening intently. 
     A woman's voice that sounded to familiar -

"I would like to read something from the pages of a book that was left behind ..." her voice cracked as she started ...

"His eyes looking up from the carboard that seconds before concealed him. She caught her breath. Her heart scream mercy me - in that second she thanked God that she was speechless so the gorgeously handsome stranger didn't hear her sounding like a little girl with a puppy love crush."

     Beth looked at Noah with question marks in her eyes.
Why was this person, Lady reading from the book she was writing? Where did she get it from? Beth knew it was laying on her bed under her pillow. She knew because she took it out every night after work, to calm her, she was writing a story in it.

     A mans voice spoke over the top of the readings ...

"I don't know who this man, Noah as Beth called him is or was and I don't know what connect she had with pink carnations but I sure do hope that when she arrived at those white gates, he was there to meet her and give her every beautiful flower she could ever hold. - I didn't know my daughter was a writer - a damn good writer at that" breaking down in sobs "I just don't understand ... I don't ..."

     Beth grabbed onto Noah while dropping to her knees. 

"Beth? Beth, I need to tell you something ..." Noah whispered.

     Beth couldn't talk and if she could - words weren't coming out. Only tears.

"Beth? It was real. I was real. To you. You were taken to soon and lingered not wanting to "go home" so I was sent to bring you back with me. That is why I was present but never there."

     Noah carried Beth back to the car and began to drive ... once she could speak, once her voice was found ...

"Noah?" Beth called out in a winded whisper

"Yes, my angel-" Noah answered back

"I have never been to Heaven, Noah. I am kind of frighten. Do we still get to be married and stay together for always or is that not a thing there?" 

Noah smiled "Yes my dear, we will still be married and we shall remain together until the end of all time not just time as we know it."

                                                Kazz 💋


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