Easter has Nothing on a Wood Valentine's Day.

                   February 14th, 2020 - This date in Wood history.
         In the words of Taylor Swift: "Today was a fairy tale ..." & cut!

Morning started out simple enough with Lucee' screaming she didn't want her hair curled for school. The rain started to pour yet we got her dropped off just as the 9 am bell sung out. Praying she wouldn't trip as she dashed to class with her goodie bags to hand out, all the while as the one teacher kept yelling beside her: "Oh My! Oh My! OHHHH MYYYY!" FYI - we get that!

     It was time to get Shurree' and head out to cash a quite "out dated" check. Flimflamming & hours gone by, we finally got that done. Just in the nick of time to grab some balloons and get everything set up for the big entrance from "Stupid Cupid." So far So good. Or maybe I am just hoping for that?

     Need to run grab the kids from school & since it is the big Valentine's Day, day ... How about dinner out? A lot of yelling. A lot of fighting and alas: Chinese Food. It was the buffet so how much could it cost right? Wrong! $78.00 and Shailah ended up not eating due to a side cramp. Lucee' screamed bloody murder just about breaking glass before dinging around enough she falls out of her chair
face first & screams again while sitting in a pool of melted ice cream that bit it a few moments just before she did.

     Time to call it a night. Yay!
O! I guess Habby is staying over? Okay, to Shurree's to get a backpack ready for the coming weekends visit.
     Headed home: the speech.
"You have a lot to play with so you can sit in the room, watch a movie and play with your new stuff from the great "Stupid Cupid" aka Shailah aka "Stupid Cupid" but do not get into anything else. No treats. No jumping on the beds. Just play with your new things while Grandma & I watch some of our show- Jane."


     Did it mean anything that I was changed for the evening, cuddled up in my blanket and hunkered down to check out a few episodes before saying good-night?
     Nope! Time to take Habby home but he was staying, right? Correct! Before he and Lucee' thought it would be cute to flood the bathroom and use every towel within sight to clean up the water which they did indeed fail at. Okay, so load the car. Drive across town. Drive back.

     Get all settled again, start the show and yes!  Relax. UGH!
Where is Squid? (the adopted pit bull) Found him! Just finishing off Lucee's huge bag of candy & chocolates from that damn diapered fool again.

     At this point- thanking the Good Lord that tomorrow is the 15th and it will be another full year before enduring a Valentine's celebration with The Woodz again!

Happy Hearts Day from the ever typical Nutt House!

                                                      Kazz 💋


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