Free Ferris


It is a good time to maybe try to get some sleep - try before the cats start in & the kids all wake up and tomorrow begins again.

       I just wanted to jot a few things down, a fun little memory from today. Yes, because it happened not at this second but hours ago, I can refer to it as a memory now. If there was only away to always collect memories & not just things - how imperfectly perfect this World might be.

     Rusty, Sebastian and I decided to head out to - like always, with not really any destination in mind. Fact: That is something that has never bothered me much. I do believe this ole Earth is spinning way to quickly and as Ferris said: 

'Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it' 

      I try to slow down whenever I can just to be able to soak everything up that is happening around me. Hence be, we never know where we are going or what we are doing even more so - where we will end up by the time we park the car.

      Well, today everyone took off to go play on the swings & slides. Rusty really didn't want to go so he stayed home with me & Sebastian.

     We all had what we would call "ants in our pants", just itching to go someplace, anyplace on such a warm end of Summer's day. 

     Rusty said he didn't know where but our first mile out took us to my favorite coffee stand. My same as always order: 24 iced Almond Milk w/ Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Syrup & Sugar Free Salted Caramel. We did that x2 with a soda, off we went. 

      We thought about going to Spirit Halloween as we drove in the most  opposite direction - coming up with the idea of Funko. Of course, that place is always fun. (it is in the names title) We took off towards downtown ending up smack in the middle of a Farmer's Market. After navigating through a zillion people, loving on kittens, talking to puppies and passing by way to many sweets that were being sold - the roses so beautiful. Like the Season's Last Hurrah ... we made our way back to the store. Spending quite awhile in there looking at fun little things, taking way to many - never to many pictures, we headed out. 

     Next stop was to do a little rockin' at a park close to where we just pulled away from. It was a nice trek. Not a long one but a good one. The flowers were wilting in the heat yet the Bees kept right along humming their joyful little song.

     Stopped at a store, shopped. Walked past, yes! I said past - Bath and Body Works - grabbed a few Bang drinks from the other end of the small shopping strip, then somehow ended up at Shurree's - still a mystery as to why.

     That was fun. Was getting hungry - headed home.

Ended up playing Family Feud - Disney Addition. Now, I don't do games but this one I did with the family and let them know after being the winner - that is why I don't play them. I hate seeing people lose. Ha.

     Now the over tired kids are in bed, the other adults sleeping and I am thinking about the same thing. Dream land is calling my name - real loud. I just need to get this zoo of cats out of here and it is Night Night World. 

     At least for the next few hours.

                                                                                                                                                     Kazz 💋



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