Little Pink Houses.

Honestly, I have always had this thing about Pink Cherry Blossoms. 
I don't know where it came from or even why but there is just something about them that has me catch my breath when I see them. Kind of like that feeling you get when its the first snowfall of the season. 

     In my younger years when all my friends were dreaming about how many kids they were going to have and who they were going to marry, I was making plans on the perfect home.

It would be 3 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms. 
A huge wood burning stove. Double ovens in the kitchen but even more?
It would be a darker gray color with white trim and a huge Pink Cherry Blossom tree in the yard behind the picket fence. A wreath to welcome people on the front gate. But most important ... The Cherry Blossom Tree.

     In my mind. In my heart.
I am not sure if it is because I am a Virgo or just strong willed but I knew I wasn't going to let that vision ever leave my heart UNTIL the day came that it happened. 

Pushing forward somewhat, I guess it is rare that dreams little girls dream make it into the light as they move closer & closer to an extra candle on their cake every year.

     Same. I married. Had 4 girls. I divorced. I remarried & had my son.
I have had bad times & I have had great times. Years have passed. I moved a lot. I still wanted my gray house with the Pink Cherry Blossom tree through it all.
As the saying goes, things don't always turn out how you want them and with this, this is ever true.

The kids and I moved into the perfect house. Somehow though I wasn't able to "plant" my tree in the front yard so I did the next best thing ... I/we painted the house totally pink with gray trim. Okay. Ya. Not the same. We have since moved from "The Princess House" and the colors have been painted over but for that moment in time I was able to get a step closer to my childhood dream. 1 of them at least.

     I still have MANY MANY years a head of me & believe that someday I will have my "perfect" little home with my beautiful tree standing tall inviting people to stop by, maybe share a wish or dream of their own.
     Until then though, I will drive by houses of others, envy them. 
Smile knowing someday- someone will be doing the same in front of my porch.

                                                     Kazz 💋


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