Nine One One. What's your emergency?


This is something I wrote right after my son, Mighty "had" to head back to college.
I am really glad that I stumbled across it so it wasn't lost someplace for good - never to be read or enjoyed.

     As you know, this past week was an "end to Summer" for my son, Mighty as he had to be back at college but before he left, he somehow talked me into getting my 1st tattoo (with him).

     He picked matching ones for our wrists.
One of my favorite words. How could I say no?
Easy if I knew the pain it was going to put me through.

"Oh, getting a tatt won't hurt."
"Getting a tatt is like little tiny pokes."
"Everyone gets them. No pain at all."
"You will get addicted."



Lie and did I say ... L.I.E.!

     Giving birth was much easier.
The pain getting this was beyond what I have ever felt!
A sharp razor piercing my flesh, ripping away at the skin until bone broke though.
Well, maybe not that bad but it did hurt.

     The best part of it? When it was done.
I am kidding. Not really. Yes. Really.
The very best part is that it is something my son & I share. 
Something we will always have & can look at & know the other one is with them all the time, not just when the moon is shining.

     Thank you Mighty for ... scarring me for life.
For making me live up to being A COOL MOM & for talking me into getting my 1st tattoo @ the age of 38.

     I love you man.
More then you can ever imagine & I hope that whenever you need me, you will just look at your wrist & never lose the faith. 
Always believe in yourself & when you don't or can't just know that I believe in you more then anyone else ever can or ever will.

     My Heart = My Son. ❤

                                                    Kazz 💋


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