Todays Coffee was Perfect.

     The sun wasn't out today. That made my morning a happy one.
I did fear though that it was just tricking me to see how long I would be able to stay in a good mood. 

With Rusty here, it was decided this would be a good time to go out for a walk. We have a lot of trails that we venture out on whenever we get the fancy to get our shoes a little dirty. I was more then happy to jump at this chance, I never get steps in and I knew, this would be one heck of a time to do so.

It was perfect outside. The sky was so gray that it kept us guessing if it was going to open up to downpour on us or not. The wind teased at times - tossing the leaves from the trees we "skipped" under. The ground covered in multi colors awaiting for Autumns arrival.

     Breathing in the pre-Winters chill was more then exciting to my lungs.
I couldn't have been in more glory if I was wearing my Queen Crown.

Taking the low trail today. Taking our time. Enjoying every moment. Crossing the wooden bridge in unison ... we came upon a breathtaking Owl. Lord, it was such a beauty. We were just as smitten but it as it was by us. We interduce ourselves so it knew that we were of no harm. It just glared at us. I don't think it was very happy we were in its home though it sat quite still as we photographed it. We backed away slowly, said our goodbyes - going about our merry way again.

There were other plans that had been in the making for a few days so heading home was a must. Shailah, Lucee' & Oakley took off leaving Rusty and myself here alone. Here alone! Now, what kind of trouble could we get into? Ha-Ha-Ha. We took off to another trail. I was again - all for it because it meant extra steps, not wanting to turn those down - I was in the car before I could blink a second time.

     This adventure took us on a much longer path. 
Walking along the broken fences & fallen tress - enjoying the evening as it was approaching rather fast, we picked up the pace a little. Just enjoying the quietness surrounding us - we came upon this darling little *PIXIE CASTLE aka a tree stump that had lost its place - someone had named it, marking a slice of a plaque - hanging it in sight for everyone to enjoy, reminding us that there is magic all around us if we just believe.

With tired feet and wobbly legs we made it back home but not before we logged almost 7,000 steps.
What a great day to make memories it was - that is just what we did too.


                                                  Kazz 💋


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