What does where I grew up - smell like?


Question: What does where I grew up smell like?

A Saturday night rain storm.

Sunday morning bacon frying.

Fresh cut grass, clover searching.

A first kiss, warm hands help.

Fall leaves swirling.

Hot chocolate on a frozen morning.

Warm Parker House rolls after school.

Blackberry pie, scants the extra salt.

Cats in the driveway.

Candy tins, empty. Bite size bars.

The scent of Wind Song.

Burning barrels (shooting) Aunt Rose.

Wednesday night Wrestling matches.

Balloons & Pink Champagne. Happy 21st.

Green hammock, fresh pool water.

The football team. Mustang Pride '81.

Bike rides & pom poms.

Batons. School being out for the Summer.

Neighborhood boys. Many, many crushes.

BBQs, bubble gum, nickels & 7-up cans.

Hydroplanes on the lake. The Blue Angels.

Public Market. Waterfront bound.

Black licorice. Birthday hugs.

Flying purple squirrels.

Violets by the bedside.

Heart shaped pillows.

Christmas Fudge.

Cedar firewood. Crackles.


Wind in butterfly quilts.


State fairs & New Chucks.

     Every Good (childhood) Memory from: The house that built me.
What does where: You grew up smell like?

                                                 Kazz 💋


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