42 - Looks Good on Me ;)

The 1st of September is the date of my birth.
It seems to be the same day every year since I came into this World.

     My Birthday was pretty epic this year.
About 100 years ago, Shailah bought me concert tickets. A concert that would be pushed out & pushed out over - over again. Finally! The show has came (back) to Seattle. This one was: Joan Jett, Poison, Motley Crue & Def Leppard. Off the hook!  I did change my thoughts about how I looked at these artists after they exited the stage though. 

Poison: Like. POISON! But Bret was such a sweetheart. He almost spoke more then he sang - thanking his fans for being his fans. It was real nice for me personally because I get so infuriated how actors, singers, athletes seem to think we owe them when it is indeed us who pay their pay checks. So to Bret, thank you for being so refreshing!

Def Leppard: I was very surprised by their performance. Joe Elliott was amazing. His whole presents reminded me a lot of Rod Stewart & I would def. (did you catch that play on words?) def buy tickets to see these guys again and again. Very impressed.

Motley Crue: Alright, this one really threw me off. I have always LOVED when Vince Neil sang. His voice, I could pick it out of anyone's. There is just something about it. Something that I must have been missing. His singing was off the hook but when he stopped just to speak, I could not. I was like ... the dude sounded like a 90 year old grandma - trying to be 12 years old while sucking on helium. It was horrid. I still have nail marks in the inside of my hands from hearing him talk. His singing though? I could listen to that forever. There was a lot of smoke. A lot of screaming and a lot of praying for Tommy Lee to keep his pants on which he did so Thank You for that Tommy.

     Ever since I was little, I would say about 5 because I don't believe I really remember things before then other than getting my first kitten & moving into The Redmond House.
     My Grandparents would take me to The Evergreen State Fair in Monroe, Washington.
I really feel it had more to do with them visiting (my aunt) Marge then anything but I was okay with suffering those endless hours to be able to go to a "carnival" of sorts.

     The fair - always on the 1st, my birthday & always from about 10am till around 6pm when we were all so tired that we couldn't make it a step more.
     I have never forgot that feeling coming over the bridge/hill leading into where the fair was being held, seeing all the lights, the rides ... the games were always a favorite. My specialty was the dime toss. There would be a glass plate that sat on top of whatever you were trying to win, cups, glasses, bowls, dishes ... all you had to do was throw the coin - get it onto the plate and bam! The prize was yours. Wasn't a very hard thing to do once you mastered it.
     I believe we would do a FAST stop at Marge's before going to do all the fun stuff.
Just a quick hello as not to be rude. My gift from her was always a roll of dimes & just in time for me to take them with me to toss & throw. You must know, "come back for a quick bite when you are done, have a slice of cake." Always ending up right back there.

It has been a lot of years - a lot of arm stamping, a lot of food eating, a lot of miles walked, a lot of games won & a lot of games lost.

     I will jump around here not to bore you - we have taken a few people with us as well as added many along the journey. Some who stayed in our lives. Some who didn't. Always getting a traditional "Fair Photo Button" of the ones in our circle at the time.
     That started when Rusty & I first got together nearly 25 years ago - continuing up to date. This year we had one of the boyfriends with us - Jake. Other years, other then family it has been X-boyfriends, X-friends and a few others. The pins are always a nice reminder of yesterday - the poor choices we made at the time. They are also away of keeping tract of the newest family members we add as well as the changes in our own selves as the years progress.

     Then there is the food. Yeah, that dang Fair Food. Deep fried everything. Everyplace.
Younger years were filled with Cotton Candy, Caramel Apples, Fry Bread, Scones, Onion Burgers, Foot long Dipped Hot Dogs, endless French Fries, Corn on the Cob slathered in Butter and more Sodas then anyone should drink in 20 years - could be consumed in just one afternoon.
     It is a little different now. Many of the items are gone being replaced with other ones. Some pretty tasty, some just to make money off of. I guess it is fair - ha fair, taste buds change like the children do. Cotton Candy can now be bought just about anyplace (even the $1.25 store), Caramel Apples are eaten all the time - in all Seasons, there are always endless amounts of French Fries in the freezer ... I, myself, no longer guzzle down Soda but rather have Iced Coffees. We have traded Onion Burgers for Piroshkies & Onion Blossoms - there was NO Corn on the Cob this year which was quite sad (funny thing - I could eat corn for every meal for every day for my whole life and I never had corn at the fair until about 5 years ago) - I still enjoy the Fry Bread with the Jam on it yet I will stand by the fact that Marge makes it better (and cheaper). We also had to walk away without Scones again this year. They no longer have more then 1 stand to get them, the lines outrageous. So, I guess if we really need them - we go to the store - buy a box mix & make them at home. 

     The games have all changed too - prices going crazy. Each ticket is now $1.00 with each game taking 3-5 of them for the smallest little toy or rubber ball from the machines that sit outside grocery stores in town. The rides - about the same as the games. In sane. I have never really been a rid (er) though. I would love to shop more then just about anything else when I arrived there. Really upsetting how Covid took over taking 100s of vendors down to just a handful. It is not hard to walk away without anything to bring home as a memento these days.

     This year the ones we drug along with us were plentiful. All there to have a good time, eat, play & leave with some sweet family memories - stories to share in the months to come. On the drive there though, I was really missing Nana & Chet ALOT. (my parents)
     It was hitting me a little hard though I was trying to keep from letting my sadness out. I thought to myself how much I wish they could  be there with me. Those days not to ever happen again. Only to be thought about, talked about - felt in the heart. Something I had to face and to understand.
As we parked and got out of the car - in the distance were not 1 but 2 hot air balloons. It is nothing really that most would understand but my heart was doing flip flops like I was in the Olympics. I knew at that very second in time - they were there. Not 1 of them but Both of them sharing my special day with me and that is something I would never be able to put into words.

     As I walked around - the knives, the onion burgers, the hot tubs, the horse racing game ... they were with me the whole day. The whole night. What a wonderful Birthday Gift I ended up bringing home with me - that, my kids, a new "Photo Button" for the wall of "fame" and some random stuffed animals.

What more could I wish for when I blow out my candles tomorrow?
Nothing. I am pretty dang blessed & looking real good for 42.

                                                                   Kazz 💋


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