Inhala. Exhala.


So, lately, I have been keeping pretty busy but I thought I should stop by here
for a moment & do like an update of sorts. I mean, if anyone is interested?
Or ... not.

     This will be scattered - as in, all over the place but then if I am sharing
some of myself which does include "part of my brain -" I shall include this.

     The Queen of England Passed away this past week.
I am saddened for the loss but angry about who will be taking over.

Note: There was only & will ever be ONLY ONE PRINCESS DIANA.

     I have been spending days eating correctly & am happy to say that I am
down 36 pounds since I started this new "habit" if you can call it that? 
I also begun to drink MCT OIL with my coffee in the mornings to kick start
my body into waking up. 

Note: My Grandmother was right. Whenever I am on a "diet," I turn into a
baking fool. 
All things from Candy, Cookies & Cakes to Bread & Muffins.
I can't seem to cook enough.

     The evenings are a little more calm.
I tend to spend them (post workout) with Lucee' & watching Jane The Virgin on tv.

Note:  This is about my 5th time watching all 100 plus episodes and still
I tear up at the most 
heart wrenching parts. I always will - every time I watch it.

     I have come to find that I love to sit at my desk in the evening as the night starts to
shadow the day with its pink sky, lighting my Pumpkin Carving Candle & just type away.

Note: I also love that Autumn is headed this way in a slow force but a force none the less. 
Nothing is as great as stomping on fallen leaves & hearing them krantz.

     Except Snow. Snow. We are supposed to be getting hit pretty good this year. 

     Sappy has spent the last 2 nights here. Kids. Kids, everyplace. 
Shailah painted the doll house that Santa brought last year, whos home now is
on the deck.

     Christmas. Christmas is coming but first I need to deal with:
The Great Pumpkin & some of my children's birthdays.

     I think tomorrow will be a good day to make the Banana Bread that Shailah said she would
be making 3 days ago. Shurree' sent a mini loaf of Pumpkin Bread home with me today. Yes! Autumn!

Note:  We found Egg Nog at Costco. 
Already made the 2 girls a cup along with Marshmallow Whip Cream & Sprinkles.

    I need to make some of Nana's Peanut Butter Fudge! Soon!

     I am doing my Thanksgiving in Keto this year.  Pretty sure I can sneak it
in and the kids wouldn't even know. I have been wanting to cook a Turkey for awhile now.

     The Pot Roast the other day ended up being thrown out - forgot to
turn on the Crockpot until after the meat sat in it for almost 5 hours. Boo! Hiss!
Did make Pulled Pork the following day though & next comes BBQed Sauerkraut. Yes!

     I need to go and get these shoes off, they are killing me.

     1 hour & 45 minutes until its time for me to work out - I feel good though. 

     I do believe that is what has been going on in my life since last night. 
Kidding, this week.

     O! We did get a few Fall decorations up - I want another Scarecrow & some Corn Stalks.

Note: Corn Stalks - must go to Pumpkin Patch soon.  Love them. 
Photo opportunity. Say Cheese & Smile Big!

                                                                                                                                                                     Kazz 💋


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