It's Me VS. Me.

                                  I need a moment to collect some thoughts.
                          Anyone's thoughts. My thoughts.

Today has not been one of my favorite days. Not by a long shot.

     I did something to my shoulder blade and it is killing me. There are
times that it is hurting enough that when I breathe in it almost feels as if I have bruised ribs.
Impossible but true.

     On top of that - it is National Sons Day and my "baby" boy is 10,000 miles away living in Colorado. No, don't ask me because I really don't know why - I just wish he was here. I miss him so so much.
     Then there is my Grandfather, it is his birthday today & I miss him so much too but he is much further away then 10,000 miles - he gained is wings way to many years ago. I know he is with my Grandmother - he is happy but me? Not so much.

     I also have a kid who is in the middle of a move which is nothing but stress -
I am sure for her but more so for me. Sounds crazy, I know but if you are ever a Mother - you will understand.

I love the fact that Autumn is finally starting to show up around here!

     I am still working on my better way of eating - today is better then yesterday and tomorrow not as good as the next day. I just feel like h*ll. I don't know what it is? I haven't felt my best in awhile now.
I know it has nothing to do with my cutting carbs and sugar - maybe just stress? I
don't know. Hopefully things will calm down soon. In my life though it is not something I am expecting.

I have been working endlessly on my Pinterest account. I must get it all in order before it is Holiday baking time. Jokes on me, right? Right.
     I have also been blowing up my Twitter account. That has become one of my favorite places to chill, to vent, to share. It is a good out but don't bother "trolling" because I don't spill everything. Just things that I want people to know. BUT! If you are searching for any kind of retweet on any recipe with
Peanut Butter in it then stop by - I repost them all.

     One of my daughters just started making up her bows again.
They are so darling. I have been trying to promote those as much as I can. Halloween coming up & Christmas, I can be sure that sale are going to take off. Stressful but nice. Always fun to put talent to good use.

It is nothing crazy for my life check in but my leg is starting to hurt again, all three cats are in my room hiding, I have my Pumpkin Carving Candle lit and yet today is not one of my favorite days.

                                                      Kazz 💋



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