(Lets Go back to) an Eye for an Eye - huh?

I am a Virgo. !00%. 
I act like a Virgo. I talk like a Virgo. I believe like a Virgo.

     With that being said, I am sure this will "ruffle a few feathers" for anyone who does not think the same as I do but honestly? I don't care. I have my opinions. They are strong & I will NOT ever back down from them. If *cough I am ever wrong, I will admit it but I will also "fight" until my last breath to prove my point in case if I know for a fact that I am right and this my friends, is something that I am very right about.

I, myself, am so sick of people doing things against the law & then only getting a slap on the back with a "do better next time" kind of attitude.

     We had a friend who was killed by a drunk driver ... Lord! Please do not get me started on drunk drivers. This said friend was ran over and killed. He was in his prime. Going places. Everyone loved him - the sweetest guy you would ever want to meet. 

Not the point, the point is this person got behind the wheel after he consumed way to much alcohol to even be awake. He CHOSE to drive. He CHOSE to kill - murder, someone. 
     Even though when he had went to court, the judge went "easy" on him. He had multiple charges of DUIs and DWIs on his record yet - "it just wasn't right to lock him up - he had never been in jail before ..."         Blah DAMN Blah! Book the b*tch. Life! 

You did it - I did it. Someone did it and here comes the drunk driving rant.

     1st offence - life in prison with NO parole. YOU chose to drink, YOU chose to drive - in my mind that is nothing more then pre-meditated murder. Not my problem if you do not agree. This is one thing I will NEVER change my mind about. Ever.

So, in short, our friend gained his wings - and drunk Donnie is still driving around reliving the "it's okay bud - try better next time" talk. UGH!

     Now, what brought me to this is that I just read a "man" if you call him that, ran over his Daughter, 19 year old Daughter - then ran over her again to make sure she was dead. 19 freaking years old! 19! Her life was just starting! WHAT?!!!
     The "dad?" prison "for life ..." O! Wait! for 18 years & then he is up for parole. 18 years. 1 year less then what that young girl lived.

Seriously? If it is prison for life then damn it! Make it PRISON FOR LIFE!
I can't even wrap my head around some of this stuff these days.

     This is why the World is how it is! When does it stop? When is someone going to stand up?!

Bullies: there is another one. 
Who is raising or should I say not raising these brats today?

     "Oh, ya, like, I like your kid but I need to make fun of them to be cool."
Cool with who? The ones who feel so bad about themselves they have to bring others down to make them a step higher on the ladder? 

I don't care if you don't like my hair. I like my hair so ya. I don't like your hair BUT it's not my hair so not my business. Kay! My shoes ain't Jordan's but maybe my momma had a bill to pay & there wasn't enough money left to spend $100 plus bucks on the same (shoes) that cost $10 bucks & does the same thing yours does - takes me from point A to point B.

     Sure! It's cool to have the best of everything but when it comes down to it - the best of everything isn't something you wear - it is how you feel. How you are treated. How happy you are.
     I say this all the time ... "My make up might be ugly but at least my heart isn't."

(My make up isn't either - just using that as an example)

     Anyways, y'all - just do better. Stop being a bully because you think it is cute. It is NOT! & the rest of you who commit dumb a** crimes like drinking & driving or robbing stores or whatever your "thing is" - know that I will pray every night OUR laws change & you do get just what you have coming ...
     An eye for an eye.

                                     Happy Fall Friday Everyone!

                                                             Kazz 💋


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