Breakfast with Grandma in the Snow.

        Have you ever had a thought that was so profound that you just had to put it someplace?
                        A place to keep it safe? Well, I have and here is mine.

These two "flash backs" are ones that I just came across when looking for something.
I decided to "jot" them down here so they could long be remembered or read about once I am unable
to speak of them anymore.
     Yep! Keep it up you guys. I can just hear the sounds of my husband and kids praying & laughing -
Me not being able to speak? Wouldn't that be a dream come true but rest assured
- I am a Witch NOT a Fairy so that little bit of Hocus Pocus they are wishing for is Not gunna happen. Sorry ;)

The Beautiful Pacific Northwest is 
covered in snow.
Wonderful, wonderful snow. White as far as the eyes can see. 
I love it.
As cold as it is, my heart warms with each flake that swirls taking me back home.

     Redmond House the 1970s era.
My Grandmother used to get up each morning, non fail to make me home made
Hot Chocolate & amazing

When I close my eyes all the taste comes back FLOODING the sleepy yawns,
J.P. Patches & endless 💘 love.

     Today, I am grown.
I make a version of my Grandma's recipe. I fill my cup, climb on the couch,
sipping very slowly REMEMBERING every precious memory etched in my life.

                                                                Kazz 💋

It strikes me as a little funny.

I started this page up so I could keep track of my daily grind & ever present thoughts,
still I find that 
I never seem to make the time to jot anything down.
Wow! What a legacy I will leave behind some day.

     If there is away to decipher what runs through this head of mine, more
power to you. 
I leave scribbles on paper, dry erase boards and even the palms of my
hands at desperate times. 

     Today was a long one. 12 hours of rushing around, standing on my feet, bending at the waist,
carrying things way 
to heavy, reaching for things only Andre The Giant could grasp. None the less,
I made it through again. 
Of course not before a screaming match broke out between my self
and another co-worker but I will leave that to a different blog. 

     A different night since it is coming close to the twelve o'clock hour.
I sit here, sipping on my newest drink concoction of a Caramel, Vanilla, Cinnamon Bark Breve -
tall w/ ice. 
It is late. I should not be having a 4 shot of coffee drink before bed yet there are few things
I love in this World. 
Coffee is 1 of them as well as Snow being the another.

     Yes! I received a call from my Daughter today to let me see that beautiful white fluff covering the ground. The envy I felt was gnawing but the hopefulness of a White Christmas filled me with my days of yester-year.

     The Redmond House. 
O! How I could go on and on and on and on but I shall not. 
Some of those memories stay tucked away. Not to be let out. Not to be tainted.

I am happy now. I am tired. Tomorrow comes soon.
The night air is very chilly. I shall search for my cat, crawl under two blankets -
be cold & drift into a wonderful peaceful sleep 
with visions of reindeer & snowmen.

                                                                                                        Kazz 💋

*Photograph above of Saphiere added for MY happiness.


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