
                                                            Today started out like any other ordinary day.
                                                  At least for me.

Woke up a little late of course because I had something to do i.e. someplace to be.
Anyone who knows me knows that I never get anyplace on time but that is alright, at least I arrive.
That is what matters most, right? Right.

     Now, I love me some real good rain fall. The more it comes down (while I get to stay inside - dry) the more I like it. It was supposed to rain today and for me, this just wasn't the day. I needed to go to drop off some "papers" at this new job that I just was hired at. I really wasn't looking forward to walking in the door looking like a drown rat but much to my surprise - the sky was clear. Still as cold as ever for this time of the year which made my heart smile yet no rain. That was something I was okay with for the time being.
     I dropped everything off I needed too. Was put on the next weeks schedule, given my "new bank card" and out the door I went.

     As per, I needed to stop at a store to grab a few things. Urgent! Like the never ending cat litter. Grabbed that then ended up at Starbucks. I am not quite sure how though but we did. I did not get myself anything but Shailah and Lucee' both grabbed a drink. One hot - One cold. The hot one was looking real sweet. Sweet. Deal breaker. Trying to stay away from sugar - Starbucks is loaded with it. I am sure that is their formula for making bitter things easier to swallow. 

Alright back out the door with a fast stop at Panera. My old job site. I had to run in but as I was going in one of my "old" co-workers was too. Stopping to say hello to Shailah who was waiting in the car with the kids, I finished up inside and came out. I said my highs to her, she let me know they needed me back there. The boss was just talking about me - I was like: Lord, why? She went on to say how much she was saying she missed me and really wanted me back so things there could be done right again. 
     Well, that was making me feel real special at that point so I let her know I just started a job at another place but if she wanted to let the boss know that if she wanted to work around that schedule then I would come back. *We will see how that pans out in the next few days.

But ... that is not all.

     We did a few other things and then stopped again. I ran into the place - the manager quite nice. Wanted me to start working for her. We talked for about 5 minutes. Seems like I might just like this woman a lot - she asked me how many kids I had. I told her 5. She then asked me how old. I told her and she asked me "Oh, you must have been pregnant in high school?" What?!? I love this lady!

3 job (offers) in 2 days. What are the odds? Since the 1st one is only part time - I am more then happy to take on a second to fill the rest of the time and days off? 3rd time is a charm, right? Or in this case - raise your hand if you think I can work 3 jobs at the same time - 

Sorry! Hard to type with my left hand while the right one is in the air.

                                                                                  Happy Hump Day!

                                                                                      Kazz 💋

Note: The night ended up with the kids going to a Trunk-Or-Treat at a "local" church. It is the first one of 5 (more) in the next few days & then the real deal hits of Halloween. So much candy - so many little souls bouncing off the walls.


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