Happy. Merry. Wait! What?


                                 I eagerly await the arrival of The Great Pumpkin.

Around here the kids know that Santa fills their stockings on Christmas Eve but they also know that the adults fill the adults. Understanding that after you get so old it becomes no longer the problem of Elves but now Mom's to see everyone gets everything - making the holidays run smoothly.

     My husband always says that one of the reasons he fell in love with me was the way that I always made each Holiday special. Though I am not sure what "making the holiday special" really means. I just try to hold up the traditions of what I was apart of in my growing up years.

     Each holiday was really something at home. Each and every one of them. My Grandmother made sure of it. I am also sure that most times the things she did was just to entertain me - and since she passed the crown to me ... I have the undying urge to do the same for my children. In following suit, our next holiday coming up is Halloween and that, in this house means the Great Pumpkin will arrive on October 31st and leave a huge bucket of treats for each adult beings that it is frowned upon to go door to door for the "elderly" this time of year, holding a pillow case while yelling "give me something good to eat" Momma must keep the magic alive.

Today was the day I chose to do just this, Not to present them to their sugar deprived owners just yet but to have them done before time was to close like the filling of the Easter Baskets the day of - when Peter Cottontail already headed back down the bunny trail before finishing his duties.

     Shailah was out so I gathered Sebastian to help me whip up some cookies. They were Toll House of course. Lucee' wanted to help but those two never get along, I think it has something to do with both being red heads? I don't know, my hair isn't red. So ... I found a job for her to do and that was add a little sprinkles to the raw dough.

We queued some Christmas music to set the "scene" and jumped into the Holiday spirit of counting out Candy, Candy Bars, Gummies and Cookies. We needed to make sure each "kid/adult" received the exact same thing. I really just want this year to be a little more smooth then the years of Sharrah falling off porches, Cole breaking his arm or Matt throwing kisses in the air screaming" This is Halloween!" 

While this was all going on at "the home front" - I spoke to Shurree' for a minute, she for some reason has her house totally undecorated for the upcoming fun and is all ready to usher in the Joy of a Merry, Merry while totally forgetting about Tom Turkey's visit and the Thanksgiving drama that picks what year it erupts in the kitchen or around the table.

It is fitting I suppose as Sharrah messaged me earlier to let me know that the passes are getting slammed with snow this weekend. My excitement is through the roof - I am peaking out my window - much like the cr*ckheads do here in Everett, looking to see if the mountain has any of the beautiful white stuff covering it yet. I still wonder though, with Halloween being Shurree's favorite holiday, why the rush on changing the time so quickly?

     Here at our house though, the children are still trying to figure out costumes to wear while the adults plan pumpkin patch trips and what candy they will sneak from the famous Trick-or-Treat goodies that will be handed to the kids this year to insure they will be bouncing off the walls well into 2023!

                         Merry Holidays to all & to all a "see you back again next blog."

                                                              Kazz 💋



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