Hey Luke! Shake It for Me!


       I have never been one of those - "Oh My Gawd!" it's a famous person type of people.

I guess that comes from being around who people refer to the "previous" as "better then themselves."
I have gone to so many concerts that it is hard to remember everyone of the singers.
I pretty much grew up around Professional wrestlers.

It always seems funny to me when someone acts so Star-Struck. Like, what is that even?

Okay, so the guy can sing BUT he still eats, gets dressed and sleeps the same way as everyone else does. Ya, he has a good voice but does he know how to bake - it he a photographer or writer?

I feel as though everyone has their own talents and some just get paid way to much for what they do - more then others who do just as much or even more.

     Like football players, okay, I get that .. they put themselves on the - knee slapper, line all the time and even though I Love My Seahawks (well, Sherman but he is out of here now) would the world really shut down if football was to stop? Now don't come at me all crazy and sh*t. It is a legit question. I mean, do the ones who play really need contracts of $50 million a season? 

Come on! I am sure that we could use those kind of funds to say:
Feed the hungry!
Help the homeless!
Get babies out of drug addicted "parents" grasp.

        I have thought about being rich. But with what price tag does that come with?

Sure, in my mind - I would love to walk into a store and buy anything and everything I want, have someone take it home for me, put it away ... how fun would it be to have "all this money" to be able to go out at Christmas time - point to things on the shelfs and have them bagged up. 

Look, you bring them home - "your servant" - O! how droll - decorates your home, wraps all the gifts and bakes all the cookies. Fun right? Not for you or me or whoever has someone doing these things for them.

     How do you give up all the memories, the laughs, the catastrophes and mishaps that happen when you do things for yourself?

Of course,  I would love to be rich. But I would never trade what I have for what I think I might want. I can't even want to imagine not sawing the bottom off a tree that was bought - way to tall to fit into the spot it needs to go. I cringe at the idea of not standing outside in 40 below weather while icicle lights are hung - blowing fuses once they are plugged in. I can't fathom not being able to place each hand made decoration from my grandkids on the sad branches of a pine that come alive once they are showed a little love.

I don't just want to point to any old wrapping paper for gifts. I want to go from place to place when I am so tired that I am ready to drop, so I can find just the right one for that special person who is getting it. Then wrap it. Buy different paper and wrap it again until the layers are 4 or 5 deep.

I want to bake my own cookies and complain about the mess I have to clean up afterword. I want to be able to sip Egg Nog & continue to pour some of the phone sending it to Richard.

                I guess I like just being a "regular" person. I think I will stay that way for - forever.

But that isn't saying that I don't buy a scratch ticket now and then, cross my fingers and hope for a little good luck - I think though a "big" win like that for me isn't in the cards. I have way to many "hoping" against me - my kids. I always tell them if I ever win the lottery the first thing I am doing is getting us all new homes but all on the same lot. See my dilemma?

Eh? I am just going to keep enjoying what I have and be grateful for it.
I am one lucky person - with or without being rich and I know this.

     O! Before I end this with my signature "kiss" - some wonder when I get the idea for my writings. Funny, sometimes they just come from the strangest places. 

This one came from a Luke Bryan song. I didn't care for these lyrics when I first heard them - I suppose it was because it was a little slow for what I am used to hearing him sing but once I stopped for a minute and listened to what he was trying to say - it has now become a favorite.

I will end this here with more then a few of the lyrics - put it on and take a listen.
You won't be sorry that you did. &&& Who knows?
Shut your eyes & Luke might just shake it for you, Country Girl.

                                                                                                                                                                               Kazz 💋

I believe kids oughta stay kids as long as they can
Turn off the screen, go climb a tree, get dirt on their hands

I believe we gotta forgive and make amends 'Cause nobody gets
a second chance t
o make new old friends

I believe in working hard for what you've got even if it don't
add up to a hell of a lot

I believe most people are good
And most Mama's oughta qualify for sainthood

I believe most Friday nights look better under neon or stadium lights
I believe you love who you love ain't nothing you should ever be ashamed of

I believe this world ain't half as bad as it looks
I believe most people are good

I believe them streets of gold are worth the work
But I'd still wanna go even if they were paved in dirt

I believe that youth is spent well on the young cause wisdom in your teens
Would be a lot less fun

I believe if you just go by the nightly news, your faith in all mankind
Would be the first thing you lose

I believe most people are good.

*Lyrics NOT mine.


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