Take a Seat.
As Summer starts to give away to Autumn - the colors outside change from a bright tone to a deep vibrant hue of reds, oranges, browns. For me, the World becomes alive. Again.
It is almost time to bid another year goodbye - looking forward to what the new one will bring and where it will take us on our next journey.
One must reflect the previous while it is all still fresh in our minds.
With doing that, we would also ponder on what it is we are thankful and very much grateful for. I know a lot of times this is more of a thing for a Thanksgiving topic yet while I sit here still trying to locate a little snow on the mountain outside of my window, watching the leaves dance as they swirl around before touching the ground where they will rest until next Spring - I sip on my brown butter laden coffee, pull a cozy blanket up over shivering shoulders, lite a Pumpkin Bonfire candle - while settling in on what might just be a perfect day to be reminded of just how lucky I truly am.
You always hear about lists:
Grocery Store Lists.
Bill Paying List.
Buckets Lists.
& the "You Just Made the List" lists.
I am more of a "fly by the seat of your pants" kind of person when I comes to certain things and I think the prior just might fall into the category? I am not sure but I do know it will not be written in some column to look back at - wondering, what in the h*ll?
I keep my lists in side my head. *I get it. Of course I do - it is empty anyway, right kids?
I will admit though at any given time you might see blue ink scribbled across whatever body part of mine that I could jot something down on at the second it popped into my thoughts. It is rare because who can really ever find anything to write with when they need it the most? Certainly not me for one.
Do you have a list of what you are Thankful for?
Mine could honestly go on forever. I could add a million things a day to it and still it would be never ending. I mean, how can you ever run out of things to be thankful for? I even see "in the bad" that good comes from it. Somehow and in some way - it always does.
I have to start my list off with being most thankful for my kids. (just don't tell them I said that)
Now see? This is one situation where the good came from the bad. My X was a pure i*iot. H*ll - you could very well say and get away with it. I dealt with way more then I should have being "with" him. People always asked me why I stayed the 10 years that I did and my answer always comes back from my mouth the same - at least I got my 4 girls from it. To me, that's what really mattered. Not what I had to go through to get them but just that I did.
After I divorced him and met my "now" husband, things weren't always smooth there either and NO! This is not a pattern where I am the problem. Just saying, living on the edge many of times - the dark clouds busted open & My Mighty was born. No matter what happened before or what will happen after (and we do still have our moments) my son was God's gift to me and how can I not be so grateful everyday for that?
I am always thankful for my Grandparents. They raised me to see past the hate in this World and always be humble and kind. I do not believe anyone is ever better then anyone else. Just maybe they know more or have better access to things: material? But, they are no better then I. They taught me that I have a good heart. That in the end "only kindness matters" - well, that and to keep my head up, shoulders back and my crown always shining.
I am thankful for: My pets as their love is unconditional especially when I have treats.
I am thankful for: Music - at any given time a song can turn your whole life around.
I am thankful for: My home - family is all that we have & I like being out of the rain. (Things do not fair well when my hair gets wet)
I am thankful for: Starbucks because I mean, come on! Coffee!
I am thankful for: My health. That I am able to take care of myself & know my strengths.
I am thankful for: Waking up every morning when there are those who aren't as lucky.
Many times throughout my adulthood, I am questioned that if I could go back to one year in my life and live it over again and change any one thing - what year would it be and what would I change?
Again, my mouth always says the same thing ... though I miss my Grandparents so much, the 80s, friends and so on - I have to repeat ... I wouldn't time travel nor would I change anything.
Ya, being younger or more pretty, to have blonde hair again, or go out on Friday nights. Not have to pay bills or worry about gaining weight all sound real good but not as good as today does.
If I was to change one thing JUST one split second of something I already lived then the course of my whole being would be different and for me, nothing is worth that.
I would never give up my children for anything in Heaven or on this Earth so final answer:
I would hard plant my feet right where I was standing being grateful I was on solid ground to do just that - while waiting for tomorrow to come and forever be thankful I would be here to greet it.
Kazz 💋
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