The Way We Were.


                                           If I could save time in a bottle.

I wonder if there is such a thing and if there isn't, why not?

     Just think of that concept for a minute. You can hold every moment that meant everything to you in a tiny glass "tube" where you could pull at the cork whenever you needed a little happiness and release the warmth.

It is funny, when you are a child you just always want things including time to "hurry up" and get here or to rush and go away. 

When you get older, that is no longer the case. You - at any moment can blink and in that second - time is whisk away like that of a rose petal that has been dropped by a Taylor Swift look alike off a bridge, into fast flowing waters surrounded by tiny twinkling lights that reflect time that has passed.

     Soon it will be Halloween. The week leading up to it is coming as fast as it is going. With driving around to see bright flashes of ghosts, goblins and scary screams to pumpkin patches and Trick-Or-Treating the much anticipated 31st will soon be just one of those memories captured into a photograph or two that in years will have to be flipped over to remind you of the actual year you dressed in the funny costume that you did. You will laugh. You will wonder and then forget all about it. It is life.

     The stores are already pushing Christmas but J*sus man, what happened to Thanksgiving?

It seems like just seconds ago we, yes, me included were moaning about the Summer's Sun and wanting the cold weather to come. As fast as the World spins - it always seems to slow down for the heat. Dragging on until the burn is felt all over Washington in every back, set of legs and face here.

*A little info: I have found that if you go out the first sign of sunburn weather, you can fry yourself for 1 day - suffer for about 7 and then enjoy your glow the rest of the 3 months sometimes 4 or 5 if you do it just right. I have been doing things this way for a very long time now. Since I was a teenager - well, I guess its not been that long of ago time but a long time. I don't advise it so don't do it claiming I told you too. I am not. I just prefer to do it this way. Don't judge me.

     Back to time though - I know I have said this before but honestly it is worth repeating. My Grandfather told me "Never wish time away." That is something that needs to be remembered by everyone. Mostly children because at this time as they are just wee ones, it means nothing to them - time hurrying up means Santa comes sooner with gifts, the Easter Bunny with candy and the Tooth-Fairy with Money. In the teen years the scenario plays out the same but just different stars - homecomings and first kisses. As adult stage sets in - it becomes: if I only had a few more minutes. If I just had a little more time. Why are the days so short? I can never get anything done. I meant too but ...

Those are some hard words to swallow just like vinegar is. Hard but more sad then anything.

     I, for one don't know if I would really bottle up time but just the thought of it seems a little to good to be true. Maybe that is why we are given memories? At anytime we can look back reliving the best of the best. The ones that made us feel like we belonged. The ones that made us happy and that is all we really want right? To be happy. 

My kids are pretty much all grown up now. Age and body wise. They have others in their lives and I am less and less important to them as each day comes and goes by. I try to "worm" myself into their plans which most times they aren't having it - H*ll, most times they don't even tell me what those plans are - they just come and go. Maybe I am selfish in this but I wish I was included in more of their daily lives. I do have reasons for it - they are valid ones too.

I just want my kids to be able to look back someday and know their mom was always there. Always. Through the skinned knees and the graduations.

                                                                            Kazz 💋


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