Chalk it up to Me being Me!


I sit here eagerly awaiting the snows first arrival of Winter 2022-2023 kick off while I take small sips of my mock Starbucks coffee. It is cookie dough flavored today. Straight up black coffee with Toll House creamer and a small swirl of keto whipping cream that was left over from an uneaten 4 slices of pumpkin pie. The drink tastes nothing like the "real" stuff but who am I to complain really? I am just happy to have some calm before I start a night shift.

     Yesterday teased me into a frenzy. I spent most of the evening looking towards the blackened sky hoping for ... well, you get it. If we don't dream- dreams can't come true. I am still finding my gaze is upwards towards the quick forming clouds. It is 38* right now so anything that falls to Earth around here will only be water in its drippy-est form. As I burn my tongue and the back of my throat while taking another sip of my almost to sweet happiness- I tell myself: maybe tonight? Maybe tonight.

I need to do Christmas shopping as the "big" day fast approaches. I really haven't done any yet. I did however get paper to wrap the things in that I don't have in.

     Chalk it up to being me.

I think most of my gift giving will be made possible by Amazon this year. 

I just can't seem to find the time to get off work to stroll the city side walks like I used to do as a young girl. Carefree while nibbling on sugar cookie dough in the form of baked reindeer.

     I seem to be a workaholic. Once I get started - it is hard for me to shut off the customer service mode. In fact - I am seeking a "3rd" job at this time. A third? Maybe a second? I am working one job but 2 different stores - so as to my head not hurting until showtime in a few hours, I will let you do the math.

When I was younger, I never did think that life would turn out this way. I am my own creator though - and honestly, I feel like I am right where I am because this is right where I need to be. Thoughts of a somewhat deranged joy circle my head.

     Speaking of that - I need to get my nails done. When and where I will find time for that? Doubtful.

The snow must be coming down on the mountains today. I can not see its capped white peek from my window. O! The new hope this gives me. I know I must sound like a broken record, snow. Snow. SNOW! but let someone delight in the little things. Okay?

     My family knows - I love white Christmases. So much so that my husband, Rusty would drive me up to the pass just so I could look at the fluffy white wonderland every year. He could never understand why I wanted it so badly yet refused to get out in it. Listen up! I never said I wanted to be cold, wet nor have frost bitten fingertips. I just think it is a whole lotta pretty in this sometimes to ugly of a World.

     Chalk it up to being me.

My bliss in a cup is still piping hot. Thank the good Lord for microwaves.

     Kids are outside now, doing laps around the school. Ha! I bet they were hoping for a snow day too. I mean like how could one not? Have you ever just sat down, gazed out your window and listened to the silence of huge flakes falling? Pure Heaven.

I know I should be on amazon right now - trying to pick out the perfect gift before the 25th gets any closer but as you can see, that is something that isn't really happening right now.

     I feel bad that I am not writing on here much more then I have been. 
I do know the saying that if it is important to you then you will make the time. But how does one make time when there is no time to make time from? Wait. What? Even tough the days are long and full, so full - time just slips by quickly. Fast enough that today is already tomorrow - tomorrow being next week.

I want to go to Snohomish. Spend the day walking the streets - peering into all the little antique shops, the window displays, sipping hot chocolate until the dusk enrobes me and a million twinkling lights fill my soul with fairytales. I would very  much enjoy buying little mementos of my past to share the memories that I might have forgotten over the years - with my children. I tell them as much as I can when I am sparked to do so. I want them to know that I had a good life growing up. That I was always happy. I want them to be happy too. To be able to take things into their adulthood - to pass onto their kids when the time is fitting.

     I might just need to force myself into taking a day off so I can recruit Rusty to sip Egg Nog with me and shop. Ha! That guy hates shopping. He. Hates. It. but really, how can anyone truly hate shopping? Damn Grinch! I bet I can talk him into it if I take him to Mexican Dinner though
     Now, I know he is reading this so guess what? Plan a day - No! I planned the day. You just be ready to go.

     I am sad that Seattle has changed so much. 

We would always go to Westlake (downtown) during the holiday season. One year we bundled up all the kids and headed down for ponies on Parade. Now, I honestly don't remember how many horses were down there but they had at least maybe 50? Maybe a lot less or maybe more but they were each decorated and painted by different artists - raising money. So, this being home - we spent the day walking, I am sure more then 10,000 steps to find all these different animals. Rusty had his video recorder going so when ever the kids would spot a flash of color or design - off they would run. Stopping to wave for a live picture then onto the next one. 
     This particular year, I am going to say about 21 years ago - maybe 20, it still is being talked of. I will always be talked of. That is what the most specialist of memories are all about.

     The kids all had balloons and were running around crazy. That wasn't out of the normal though. The Woods. We are the parade. So, upon finding a horse of a different color - they all took off running. Just as Rusty and I arrived to the "crime" scene, a small gust of wind kicked up and Blazz's balloon popped. His little face broke my heart. It most have destroyed his older sister, Shurree's too because she gave him her balloon. 
     This was all captured on 9mm or whatever the term was. Now fast forward, it is kind of cool you can do that - having todays technology - we were watching the "show" again and noticed Saisha said something - so we slowed it down a little and turned it up and these words: they WILL go down in history - when the balloon broke - Saisha's mouthed "It poked ............ his hair? and it popped? Oh My Gawd.!" All these years of watching the home movies and never knowing until later on what was said and now never forgetting. Classic!

     Update: Bath and body is having a 40% off sale storewide tomorrow. 

Ho. Ho. Hope you all like candles and shower gel. Christmas might just be in the wraps after all.

                                                                            Kazz 💋


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