Does Someone Need a Hug?

A bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos. A lit Peppermint Sugar Cookie candle from Bath & Body Works. A White Chocolate Pumpkin Mocha from Starbucks and here I sit, wrapped in my bee blanket searching for something to write about.

     Today was Lucee's birthday. She turned 9. Her theme was: On Cloud 9. How appropriate. Everything was rainbows & sunshine. It didn't start out that way - more sophistication honestly. The rose colored pink hues & gold tones - so grown up. Still just a child though. Why rush time?

Only one candle was placed on her cake today. I think one candle is just enough - after all, you only get one wish.  

Like others, I often wonder what one wishes for? The young and old a like.

Mine are simple wishes. Not of money or fame. I wish that I had more time with my children. Any time. All time. I miss them so much. All the who-has of celebrations while they were growing up.

I have 5 kids. I guess that is something that is less then any secret, if you know me.

                      Shurree', Sharrah, Saisha, Shailah & Mighty, Blazz - that order.

The last time all of my kids were together other from days (long) gone by - was Christmas a few years ago. 100 years in a mom's eyes but reality only a couple. Like 4 or 5. 

     They were however as one to celebrate Saisha graduating High School. That was a flash. Then everyone went different ways.

Shurree', Sharrah and Shailah still here in Washington but Saisha is in Montana and Mighty in Colorado. Colorado, I imagine is more then beautiful in the Winter time. I have always wanted to visit there. There and Utah to see the Temple. Also Vermont but only to buy a Teddy Bear and Maple Syrup.

     Speaking of Maple Syrup - I have thought a lot about my little outburst over my son wanting to move father away (from me) again. I started to think that I really don't have any right to try to clip his wings and hold him back. To do that, what kind of Cool Mom would I be?

I mean, this next journey of his will take him far far away but he will get to visit Gimbels. Make snow angels. Eat rolls of Tollhouse cookie dough & cram 11 cookies in the VCR. He gets to be a human raised by elves and wrap Christmas presents using 6 inch ribbon curls.

My hurting heart started to heal a little until I took another sip of my crappy cup of coffee and realized he wasn't going to New York - he was going to Florida. I started to feel like such a Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins in the way of - I still didn't have the right to try to make him stay here and cut down trees from Central Park.

     So Mighty, if you are reading this ... know that I support you in anything and everything you do. I have always been your biggest fan and I will always be your biggest fan - I just hope while you are there "you find your dad."

Back to the birthday bash:
I not only have 5 children but I have whole North Pole full of Grandchildren too:
&&& Oakley

     The cake has been cut and ate. The bottle of cider long drank resting now in the garbage, clothes are in the washer and the sugar high of frosting is barley starting to wear off. I am tired. It is early. The air is a Winters cold. The holidays are coming soon and like last year, the year before and every year after - I will quietly ask Santa to assist in my kids coming home for Christmas because after all - I sure can't think of any better gift then that.

                                                                                                                    Kazz 💋


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