O! My Gawd. Karen.

 I have finally been able to catch my breath but that is only for a moment.

     I did NOT forget about Halloween this year. With children, you must know how crazy things can get at any given time. We had 4 of them with us this time - in body. The rest followed along in heart.

The week leading up to the great night of Trick or Treating went well, almost as planned.

There were many and I do not say many lightly - Trunk or Treats going on. If you are not familiar with those, that would be where a group of people find a lot, decorate their cars (trunks) you go to each one rather then a house, ask for the inevitable stomach ache in a pretty wrapper kind of thing. 

There were a lot of fun ones that were set up really cute - The Up House and the Bee Keeper ones were of course my most favorites. Other then just the cars dressed up there were also the ones encouraging the children to accept candy from strangers ... we met many monsters, aliens, animals and even Santa himself.

The kids loved them all - being quite upset as each night came to an end EVEN though they knew tomorrow would be offering more of the jolly time - freezing and splashing through puddles for things we could just as easily buy at any store and stay dry while doing it but I suppose for the little ones - that just isn't the same. So, we tuff it out forging a head for them and their little squeals of excitement.

*Note: That makes it all worth it. The cold hands, aching legs and sore throats seem to be a small price to pay for being able to sneak a tiny bite size bar here and there while they sleep.

     This year the kids did pretty well in their attire. 
Lucee went as "someone" from Harry Potter while Oakley had to be a Pumpkin.
Shailah chose a Scarecrow, Jake a scary Pumpkin face thing.
Sebastian was The Mad Hatter while Saphiere was Alice and Shurree'? She was a Mouse, Duh.

     The candy was completely insane this year. I would say the kids each had about 20 pounds along with toys, playdough and stickers.

We didn't really have any casualties other then one slip on the butt - making the cape soaking wet for the rest of the night. One trip ending in a skinned knee. Habby and Shurree' getting into it so a wig flew by coming to rest on the street.

We had some rain but being from Washington - I was already packing around my umbrella. This girl was prepared.

Only had one argument with some "drunk" mom/chicks when their kids were shoving our kids. That did not go over well.

The candy gobbling stopped around 9:30pm when everyone was turning lights off.
Still am confused why Halloween would be on a Monday night with school and work the next day but I guess that will remain a Universal mystery. 

Not to bad of a haul for about 4 hours. Of course everything had to be sorted through even though the kids just wanted to sit - stuffing their faces with unknown chocolate persuasions.

We ended up at Denny's. Seems like that is always the "family" tradition after a to long of night out. Hot food was wonderful. We all got our fill EVEN though I was sitting at the kids table ;) it was a pleasant end to the night.

     November came in real fast. Like, 30 seconds after a shut eye experience - there it was, a new month. Now we deal with double birthdays and Tom Turkey coming for Thanksgiving.

The menu plans will start up soon as well as the Christmas goodie baking. I look forward to the snowball cookies each year as they remind me so much of home - my growing up years.

Fudge and Pretzels and Taffy - Oh My! 

     I bought my first roll of wrapping paper today. Yes, all the stores have transformed already. I don't mind. The feeling is cozy for a change. The weather is supposed to be in the 20s next week. Kind of crazy for this time of the year and in Washington to boot. I welcome it with extra gloves and two coats. The wrapping paper is/was Friends themed from the tv show. If you didn't know, Shailah's favorite. 

Most years we wrap all our gifts in the same wrap so it will look nice. Writing the names of the recipients in small black letters on the back of the boxes. Each year it is always a nightmare as to whos present is whos. Always mixing them up. That seems to be the easy part of the day.

     So, Shailah came up with the idea of each family member getting their own "special" wrapping paper. Something that reflects them or what they like. It started last year. She said it will continue as it all went so smoothly. I for one do not know. I spent most of Christmas in bed - knocking on Heavens door with how sick I was. 

Being a Virgo as you know, it makes me crazy without everything matching but I figure I am okay with the fact of doing it this new way as it cuts gift opening hours from 10 down to around 7 so yeah ... That will work for me. Gives me extra time to clean up the messes before the next ones are made. 

     For now though I will put the Holiday fun aside as tomorrow is Shailah's birthday. That we must all be ready for. Every year it is my "duty" to pull off just the perfect cake for her and I think this year - I did just that. I am so excited to reveal it after pictures are taken and candles are blown out.

Stay turned!

     I think I might share the many "perfect" cakes I have came up with over the years, tomorrow in my new writes.

Until then - Happy November and be sure to take time to enjoy life's beauty.

                                                                                                                         Kazz 💋



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