Song of The South.

                        "If your gonna play in Texas
                                                  You gotta have a fiddle in the band."

Each of us have very found memories of our first concerts - maybe all the concerts that we have ever attended but even though they just seem to get better with time - it is always the first one NO matter how good or bad it was - dare I say, will always be the most magical. 

Mine being no different.

     I have always loved Freddie Prinze. Not ... Jr. but the original. He was back then and still to this day a favorite of mine. Before he took his life - one of his greatest friends was Tony Orlando from the group Tony Orland and Dawn. Okay, I might have known at tops - two songs they sung but that didn't matter. I heard they were coming to town and I HAD to go. I. Had. To. Go. 
     Vikki was supposed to get tickets for us to see them but somehow she "said" they were "sold out." Not. I ended up throwing this huge fit and wouldn't talk to her because of it.

As you already know, every year for my birthday I would celebrate it at the Evergreen State fair in Monroe. Well, just so happens that Randy, Teddy, Mark and Jeff - yes! The Boys from Alabama were going to be there this year (the one coming) and guess who wanted to go? 

I still wasn't talking to Vikki so I mentioned it to my Grandparents like 6 months in advance. I knew they wouldn't get me tickets. Ha. They didn't even know how too. It was okay. I would miss seeing them. I had my albums. I would be okay. Not really but yeah.

No more was ever mentioned about them coming or me wanting to go. 

     It is two weeks before my birthday and my Grandmother asked me what was the name of that singer person I wanted to go and see? Singer person? *rolling my eyes and wondering what the h*ll - doesn't she ever listen?  Ummm ... Only the greatest group in the World. Alabama. 

She turned to my Grandfather and said - "I think we might have made a mistake? Why don't you check what persons name is on the tickets."

*Is she serious? Person? It is a group! I screamed in my head.

My Grandfather took a folded envelope out from his back pants pocket. It looked rather worn and tattered. He opened it and pulled out these 3 blue looking squarish pieces of a almost cardboard nature and shook his head.

He said "I think you are right. I don't think this is a singer. It says something ... oh, it says Alabama. I don't think anyone would name their kid that so ..."

WHAT!!!! WAIT!!! 

Was he holding tickets to see the greatest band in the World? Did he really have tickets to Alabama? No. There is no way. 

He handed me the envelope after tucking them back inside. 

I had a lot of questions. A lot. Like How? When? How?

My Grandmother told me they bought the tickets 2 days after I said I wanted to go. Well, that explains why the white paper hiding them looked so old.

I was so excited but ... wait. They got 3 seats. I had questions about that too. 

I was told they bought seats for the 3 of us. They wanted to see what this singer was all about that I just needed to listen to all the time. I let "this singer" slide this time.

     I don't know that I remember much about the concert other then Jeff (one of the band members) stopping the whole show to answer a ringing (cell) then announcing for ET to Phone Home.

I sat in between my Grandmother and Grandfather - to be safe, ya know.

After one of the songs - everyone started to stomp and clap. Just as the air went silent - my Grandfather yelled to my Grandmother that his chain saw sounded better then these guys.

I didn't even want to die at that point because I was just to happy to be there. To be seeing them and to be with the 2 people who cared so much about me they made it happen.

     Through the years I have been to 17 Alabama Concerts.

Randy Owen and I have exchanged Christmas Cards for as long as I can remember.

I have been offered to photograph album covers for some of their opening acts.

I have learned all of their songs. Bought all their albums. Loved Loved Loved them.

     I have just found out that Jeff Cook - one of the founding members passed away yesterday.

The songs will never be the same. The music a little different.

Jeff and I never really got along upon each meeting but that was him. That was me.

So Mr. Cook - Rest Well.

Keep playing. Keep singing.
I will keep listening & keep remembering.


                                                                                                                                                                              Kazz 💋


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