Who wants pie?

                                           10:30 am on Turkey Day!

I had a revaluation. If that is even the proper term to say in this spot?
I will do little writes of all day festivities - when I get a moment to steal away. Much easier then a full on secession at night - cramming.

     Que the Christmas music.

For once - okay twice in The Woods lifetime together, our bird is in the oven. 
Get this. In.The.Oven. 

Now anyone who know us knows this isn't a thing at our place. Most, okay ALL Thanksgivings start with a mad rush at 10pm the night before to get a frozen turkey - get it home, try to figure out how to thaw a 25 pounder before morning when it needs to be stuffed and shuck in the oven. Midnight is about the time we sit down. For us it is just a thing. 

     This year though the time has evolved somewhat.

Just finishing up my shower, stopping to put my shoes on to complete my "Holiday" outfit of leggings and a t-shirt - really? Who knew? I stopped for a moment to start this blow by. How fun for "you" the reader, right.

The house is still a bit quiet. Shailah has just left to get Shurree' and Habby so the glass should be breaking soon. The scents of home are wafting through the whole place. It smells like a little bit of Heaven.

There is no snow on the mountain outside my window as of this moment but there are promises of a whole lot coming our way this week.

Lucee' is in the kitchen right now slicing the chestnuts that soon will be enclosed in bacon - covered in a delightful sugar coating.

Saphiere sleeps. That is always a good thing.

The air is sliced through with Oakley running into a wall while sending his snack bowl flying through the air. Like a bad Superman take off.

The cats are all resting in their hiding places. They know of what lies a head. Those smart little fur balls.

For now, the tree is still standing - once again.

I do not need to clock into work today though I feel a little guilty as I am sure they need me. Tomorrow. I will be there tomorrow.

     3:00 pm - Check in time.

Shurree arrived. Mayhem has broke loose as it always does. The quiet is long gone now. Just a (still) memory. I honestly don't understand how just a few people can make it sound like all hell has broken loose at the local tavern.

The bird is cooking right along. Pink Fluff is made as well as the Corn Casserole, the Bacon Water Chestnuts, Stuffing and Nana's Peanut Butter Fudge. We await to take the turkey from the oven to then cram the shelves with Nana's homemade Mac 'N Cheese & Dinner Rolls.

The first load of dish have now been washed.

Everyone is ready to eat! To get their grub on. 

We have changed the Alexa from Christmas music over to the television and here we go! Christmas with The Kranks. Yup! Now it is officially the kick off of the Holiday Season. Shailah insists on this movie being repeated over and over again. When it is no longer playing. The final curtain call of the Season - A Happy New Year to me begins.

For now, I sit at my desk. I take in a deep breath. I only smell the deliciousness that wafts from the kitchen area.

My back hurts from work as I stare eagerly towards the sky with the wish for snow to come sooner then later. I am ready. I need the freshness. I am tired and dinner hasn't even been consumed yet.

About 8 gifts have been wrapped from the stack that is before me. I will get to them. I promise I will. No trunk to drive them around in for the coming year.  

The holidays always take a toll on me. I cant say that it is good in most cases. I survive though.

I think of next year - the coming year and all it can or could bring. I smile in my mind. I know that I can control it. A smile breaks across my lips.

My coke zero is almost empty now. I have a hankering for some coffee. I always want coffee though. - Santa Clause is coming to town. Santa ... I KNOW HIM!

Time to put the dishes away and get ready for the next round.

     10:10 pm - Almost full circle

The night is dark now. The street light looks to fool me into being a Harvest Moon through my sheer orangish curtains. 

Over stuff bellies have indulged in a finishing move: A creamy slice of Pumpkin Pie - whipping cream gone.

Sharrah's food has been delivered to her and in return I bring home pictures of Little K and Tiny.

Oakley is now being teased by his dad, Ryan at GiGi and Poppa's for the night.
Tomorrow is Black Friday Shopping ... for Shailah & Jake. I am the babysitter once again. Then it is back to work in the evening.

Shurree' is home. Sebastian maybe tucked in about now.

I have put away a third load of clean dishes from the dishwasher. I am ready for sleep. It seems I already have tomorrow's list of chores circling my thoughts.

     As another night comes to a close ...

I long for all my children to be here as I think about holidays past. 

The first time I, yes I - had snow on Thanksgiving day. The taste of those tiny foil wrapped chocolate balls that I never got caught taking and the sips of Nana's homemade hot chocolate warming my total being.

Even though not here physically - each of my children are with me *whether they want to be or not.
I wear my three generation heart necklace that Shurree' gave me around my neck - from it hangs a little Bee that came from Sharrah. My wrist holds a bracelet from Saisha that she had specially made for me - a ring with Shailah's birthstones on it spins around my finger her and my arm - a (painful) reminder to always believe - my matching tattoo with my son, Mighty (Blazz) - I guess when I think about it they ... each of my children are with me every single day of my existence within my heart but also on my sleeve for everyone else to know it too.

(Then there is Rusty. my husband. Voice always in my ear - ya, ya, ya, yak, yak, yak and blah, blah, blah - he is a strong force into my everyday of forging forward. He knows how I feel.)

     My family: I am MORE then THANKFUL for.

Wishing you all (to) know the blessings you already have & to always be grateful for them.

                                                                         Kazz 💋


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