"You happy now? -"

                    Can we just pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
                                         I could really use a wish right now.

The New Year has, of 13 hours ago - been "rung" in. 

Exploding fireworks have come to an abrupt stop - the air finally clearing enough to show signs of a sun peaking through the Winters chilling day. I am happier with the snow show. Hopefully it will go on again before Summer rears its hot, nasty head in the months coming towards us.

Sipping on a hot caramel coffee - since someone ate all my peppermint whip cream, I think about the work day a head, how I should be getting ready yet here I sit - taking time to write this.

     It is January 1st. A glorious NEW YEAR with so many new possibilities, so many visions and so many wishes. 

     January 1st. It is the time to write resolutions that we may or may not follow. More then likely the may not is closer then the may. That is okay though! We all have the right to dream. It is just that within each of us - it is only ourselves who have the power to make things happen.

I argue within my thoughts if I should jump upon the rickety bandwagon adding my tomorrows onto the same old worn out pages that show the same old faded ink over and over, the same words, the same wants - or should I just leave it all swirling in my head so to keep from "kicking" myself when I end up not following through again.

I am not condoning myself - I show no punishment for slip ups because I know each of them are all me. There is no one else to blame. I do not believe in restricting myself in any part of my life. I believe I can fly. Soar.

Sure: I would be lying if I said I didn't have a list to greet January with.

     It is only natural - kind of like Spring cleaning even though I don't understand why you don't clean as you go. Mmm, a mystery. Indeed.

I imagine everyone has different items written by their numbers on papers tucked away for only certain eyes to see.

     Lose weight.
Go to another Aerosmith concert.
Buy better birthday gifts.
Drink less coffee. (like that will ever happen)
Start up a business.
Laugh more. Love more. Cry less.
Have every scent of Bath and Body Works candles (okay, that one is me)
Take more pictures. Go more places. Just do whatever makes (the) heart happy.

My husband was in an accident on his way (back) to Montana right after Christmas. His car was totaled. He was okay though. Shook but not surprised. Things can be beyond scary at times. Just the thought of the what ifs ...

What if Diana was never The People's Princess?
What if
Triple H never got involved in the *gag McMahon clan?
What if when the sun shined it was still cold outside?
What if when your kids got older, grew up - they never left home?
What if everything that made you happy continued to make you smile?

                                       This is pep talk for you, not for me.

It is okay to do things at your own pace.
To enjoy things others don't.
To be passionate about something no one else can figure out.
To love who you love - just be sure to do it with all your heart.
Being who you are is what makes you unique and the Good Lord knows, if everyone was the same -
what a boring life this would be!

                                          So, hello 2023 - Look at me now!

                                                                           Kazz 💋


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