It's okay to be Itty Bitty


As the World (still) Turns

It seems like it has been forever since I have sat down to "write in this blog" that I started so that I could write - more. 

Thinking back over the past month - I don't really know how much I can write to fulfill this chapter here (to share) in my life.

I can't really say that to much has happened or changed - I worked a lot.
I didn't work much.

     Lisa Marie gained her wings - Cindy Williams did too & also Lanny Poffo. Many others as well - Lance Kerwin is another one. Strange for me when I think about loss. I am not to fond of the swirling dizzy trip it takes my mind or heart on.

     I have have filed my taxes - on my own this year.
This being a first for me  - I feel so grown up.

     I have been obsessed with my newest "business" adventure.

I will not divulge in the comings of that just yet - soon though. Very soon.

I feel more and more confident everyday with my ideas. The excitement is drifting through the air.
O! The colors and flavors. Woooooo!

     3 of my kids have had major turning points - in their lives:

1 moved into a "new" home. 

1 announced they were pregnant - its a girl <3

and 1 shaved his head! 

     I won't go into who did what but just know ... my son is in a lot of trouble and it isn't because he moved or is having a baby. 

Here we are into the start of February - that brings 4 birthday's along with Valentines Day and hopefully being in Washington ... (more) Snow! Snow! SNOW!
We will have to wait to see on the last sentence.

The days seem to be getting longer. Yes, soon enough there will be extra rants from me about Summer and how much I dislike the sun and heat. I already have 2 large fans set up in my room - in waiting. Seems like I wait 3/4 of the year for it to become dark earlier - when it finally does it doesn't last long.
It is back to being about 5:30 before that nasty ball starts to set again. That in itself irks me beyond.

The talk around here has been about house hunting before the baby comes. 
     Moving ... I am one who does NOT enjoy change. 

I know they say without change there would be no butterflies but honestly - they are beautiful to look at but not so easy pet.

     I really don't want to move. I sorta really like it here. Kind of like Eeyore's tail - might not be much to look at but it is what I have. I don't mean that literally but you get the idea. Right?

I think I have been spending a little to much funds on candles lately. I - at one point only had two huge totes of them. Most - if not all of them came from Bath & Body Works but now I have discovered a new place and while the scents sound pretty delicious - it is the labels that have drawn me in. Kind of like watching Melissa and Joey from start to finish for the 5th time. Just something about it - them.

     I know what I must do - I must get back on my Keto fair. I don't seem to be moving full speed a head on that though. Water. I just need more water.

I have also been looking for a Jeep. I might have found one - not one like Molly named after Molly Holly (the one I used to own) but a different style. Who knows? Who really knows?

I know this has been a rather itty bitty catch up but it is a catch up none the less.

     It is going on midnight now - I must get rest. The morning shall bring my hands and thoughts together in a busy affair with trying out new things for my shoppe. I can't wait to share it with you all.

     Have a "sweet" and relaxing rest of your night and if you get a chance - go vote for my Princess - she made the 2nd cut in the contest I entered her in -

Viva La Raza,

                                                               Kazz 💋                                                                                                                                          


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